Time to Decide
"There is no rush, Kasey," Teresa assured, resting a hand over mine. "I made the mistake of leaving this family once, and I'm not going to do it again. At least promise me you'll think about it."
I nodded. "Maria will come too?"
"Yes, I'm not letting another baby grow up in this lifestyle again."
"What about mom?"
Teresa scoffed. "The only thing she wants is to be alone, so I'll be doing her a favor by taking you with me. You've worked to hard and gone through to much to be r... Read Full Chapter
I nodded. "Maria will come too?"
"Yes, I'm not letting another baby grow up in this lifestyle again."
"What about mom?"
Teresa scoffed. "The only thing she wants is to be alone, so I'll be doing her a favor by taking you with me. You've worked to hard and gone through to much to be r... Read Full Chapter
on February 21, 2013

I really wanted to hate my sister for leaving us. I wanted to mad, angry, frustrated with her. But for some reason, when I was hugging her, all anger seemed to wash away, leaving me with only love for her.
I could feel tears in my eyes, a sob stuck in my throat, but I tried to keep it back.
I didn't for long.
I broke down into hysterical tears, soaking my sisters expensive looking blue blouse. I don't think she minded though.
"Oh, for God's sake Kasey, calm down!" My mom sai... Read Full Chapter
I could feel tears in my eyes, a sob stuck in my throat, but I tried to keep it back.
I didn't for long.
I broke down into hysterical tears, soaking my sisters expensive looking blue blouse. I don't think she minded though.
"Oh, for God's sake Kasey, calm down!" My mom sai... Read Full Chapter
on February 10, 2013

Surprise Visit
I parked my bike into the stand and groaned. The rest of school was miserable, the events included me hiding in the library eating my lunch, and running laps in gym. The only good thing was that it had stopped raining.
I waved to the manager as I trudged up the stairs. Finally, apartment 12C came into view. I was working on finding my key when I heard yelling comeing from the inside.
I pressed my ear to the door, attempting to make sense of the shouting.
"Is this really how... Read Full Chapter
I waved to the manager as I trudged up the stairs. Finally, apartment 12C came into view. I was working on finding my key when I heard yelling comeing from the inside.
I pressed my ear to the door, attempting to make sense of the shouting.
"Is this really how... Read Full Chapter
on February 09, 2013

That moment when you think of something funny to say, say it, then realizes how stupid it sounds, leaving your friends wondering what the ham sandwich is she talking about...
on January 30, 2013

You guys... I have a disease, I was told by my mother this morning. It's called LazyButt Disease. Symptoms include but are not limited to: Failure to complete homework/projects because you just don't feel like it, Wearing pants when your to lazy to shave your legs, Failure to use the bathroom until your bladder is going to explode, Telling you parent's you'll do something...then not doing it, And not getting out of bed in the morning because you just really don't want to move. See More
Recognize the signs soon...
Recognize the signs soon...
on January 30, 2013

Bmac99 asked a question
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if woodchuck could chuck wood??? Seriously, like ...
on January 30, 2013

Bmac99 asked a question
Anyone need advice or help??? If anyone needs advice/help with something I would be gla...
on January 27, 2013

Does anyone need help or advice???
I feel like I should be helping people... I don't know... But I'm an excellent secret keeper and all of my friends come to me for help with there problems. You can message me or comment, whatever you like:) I think I can really help with relationship problems (friendship/dating/etc...)
I feel like I should be helping people... I don't know... But I'm an excellent secret keeper and all of my friends come to me for help with there problems. You can message me or comment, whatever you like:) I think I can really help with relationship problems (friendship/dating/etc...)

I'll I need to know is why all these quizzes. I take says I love him but we r just friends. And that's it
on January 26, 2013
on January 26, 2013

History Class...
The only thing I was looking forward to was seeing Lucas in History last period. It was comforting to know at least one person liked me.
I suffered through lunch, gym and science and study hall until finally, the bell rung. When I stepped into Mr. Phillips History room, I knew alot of people were staring at me again. I still didn't know what was so interesting about me. I took me seat and kept my head down to cover up the red raising to my cheeks.
"Kasey," a voice said.
I looked... Read Full Chapter
I suffered through lunch, gym and science and study hall until finally, the bell rung. When I stepped into Mr. Phillips History room, I knew alot of people were staring at me again. I still didn't know what was so interesting about me. I took me seat and kept my head down to cover up the red raising to my cheeks.
"Kasey," a voice said.
I looked... Read Full Chapter
on January 26, 2013

Bmac99 added a new chapter to How Did This Happen?
I Think I Forgot How to Breath
My mind went blank. Nothing made sense anymore.
How did this happen to me? Just a random girl fresh in NY College. It didn't make any sense, this was supposed to happen in movies and TV shows, not in real life. But here I am, on the floor of Mocha cafe, staring into the beautiful green eyes of One Direction's Harry Styles.
"Are you alright?" He asked as he knealt down beside me.
I realized I had been sitting there, jaw wide open, staring at him. Please tell me I wa... Read Full Chapter
How did this happen to me? Just a random girl fresh in NY College. It didn't make any sense, this was supposed to happen in movies and TV shows, not in real life. But here I am, on the floor of Mocha cafe, staring into the beautiful green eyes of One Direction's Harry Styles.
"Are you alright?" He asked as he knealt down beside me.
I realized I had been sitting there, jaw wide open, staring at him. Please tell me I wa... Read Full Chapter
on January 21, 2013

I came out of the nurses office with nothing but a bandage around my hand from where I scraped it and a headache. Unfortunately, the visit didn't last long enough to get me out of any classes, so I went to Calculus. Fun-right?
As I entered Ms. Frithers room, all eyes were on me. Kay and May, the stuck up twins, whispered to each other and chuckled. Mike Wilkes nudged his buddy Paul and they both had a knowing smile on their face. The other kids were either whispering or laughing abo... Read Full Chapter
As I entered Ms. Frithers room, all eyes were on me. Kay and May, the stuck up twins, whispered to each other and chuckled. Mike Wilkes nudged his buddy Paul and they both had a knowing smile on their face. The other kids were either whispering or laughing abo... Read Full Chapter
on January 12, 2013