on April 25, 2013

So. It told me to write an update. So I'm writing an update. Yeah. Update update update... Fun.
on April 25, 2013

A month passed. Me and Lucas spent as much time as possible together. It was now late April, and our school prom was in two weeks. I had a feeling that Lucas was going to ask me to go with him.
I went to Lucas's house on Thursday night, to do homework. We ended up making out on the couch for an hour, which is what we were doing right now.
He pulled away, catching his breath. "Well, would you look at that? I still have science homework," he smiled.
I laughed and snuggled into hi... Read Full Chapter
I went to Lucas's house on Thursday night, to do homework. We ended up making out on the couch for an hour, which is what we were doing right now.
He pulled away, catching his breath. "Well, would you look at that? I still have science homework," he smiled.
I laughed and snuggled into hi... Read Full Chapter
on April 17, 2013

Bmac99 added a new chapter to How Did This Happen?
Told You...
Emily, for the first time in her life, was lost for words. She made a bunch of sounds that sounded like she was trying to make a word, but it just want working.
Harry leaned close to me and whispered in my ear, "Is she alright?"
"She will be," I gestured for him to take the seat next to me. He did, nudging his thigh on mine.
Emily just sat there, mouth wide open.
Harry looked amused, like he was trying to keep from laughing.
Emily finally took a big sip of her drink. Whe... Read Full Chapter
Harry leaned close to me and whispered in my ear, "Is she alright?"
"She will be," I gestured for him to take the seat next to me. He did, nudging his thigh on mine.
Emily just sat there, mouth wide open.
Harry looked amused, like he was trying to keep from laughing.
Emily finally took a big sip of her drink. Whe... Read Full Chapter
on April 15, 2013

Should I write a horror story?
What do you guys think? Should I start writing a horror story??
What do you guys think? Should I start writing a horror story??
on April 14, 2013

Lucas's Point of View
**This chapter will be written in Lucas's point of View.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
I was not supposed to feel like this. Like my whole world was flipped upside down from only one kiss. By only one girl.
I wasn't supposed to fall in love with her. With her eyes, her hair, her smile, her laugh, her jokes, her modesty... Her everything.
She was just so... Amazing. I can't help feeling this way.
My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Brandon enter my room.
"Hey,... Read Full Chapter
This wasn't supposed to happen.
I was not supposed to feel like this. Like my whole world was flipped upside down from only one kiss. By only one girl.
I wasn't supposed to fall in love with her. With her eyes, her hair, her smile, her laugh, her jokes, her modesty... Her everything.
She was just so... Amazing. I can't help feeling this way.
My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Brandon enter my room.
"Hey,... Read Full Chapter
on April 14, 2013

I'm really tired... And I'm really bored. And I'm just gonna type some stuff down.
Yeah, so I had a lot of caffeine but boys it's like almost two in the morning. Wow, a car just passed my house and it sounded really loud. That was random. Oh well. Yeah so I'm gonna quit typing before I fall asleep..... Ummm, comment what you did Friday night... Or something I don't care. Type unicorn rainbow for all I care. Goodnight love muffins.
Yeah. I'm really tired. Don't judge See More me.
Yeah, so I had a lot of caffeine but boys it's like almost two in the morning. Wow, a car just passed my house and it sounded really loud. That was random. Oh well. Yeah so I'm gonna quit typing before I fall asleep..... Ummm, comment what you did Friday night... Or something I don't care. Type unicorn rainbow for all I care. Goodnight love muffins.
Yeah. I'm really tired. Don't judge See More me.
on April 13, 2013

Bmac99 asked a question

Has anyone seen Perks of Being a Wallflower? Best movie ever. Just wow. Amazing. It ...
on April 13, 2013

Bmac99 asked a question

Does anyone like Ingrid Michaelson? If you haven't heard of her, you should look up Be ...
on April 11, 2013

Favorite singer/song?
Who is your favorite singer or song, or favorite song by your favorite singer???
Who is your favorite singer or song, or favorite song by your favorite singer???
on April 08, 2013

New chapters have been added to How Did This Happen? and Invisible!
on April 07, 2013

on April 07, 2013

The Next Day
I woke up, my head spinning with the events of yesterday. I smiled to myself as I got ready.
But wait.
What does this make me and Lucas? Were we dating? Was that just a one time thing? What if he thought it was a mistake? What if he wished it had never happened? Oh God, what if he stopped talking to me? What if he only kissed me because he pittied me? What if-
"Hey, Kase, time to go," Teresa said, jinggling her keys.
I nodded. I guess I would find out.
****************... Read Full Chapter
But wait.
What does this make me and Lucas? Were we dating? Was that just a one time thing? What if he thought it was a mistake? What if he wished it had never happened? Oh God, what if he stopped talking to me? What if he only kissed me because he pittied me? What if-
"Hey, Kase, time to go," Teresa said, jinggling her keys.
I nodded. I guess I would find out.
****************... Read Full Chapter
on April 07, 2013

Bmac99 added a new chapter to How Did This Happen?
Losing It
I met Emily at Mocha for lunch. After explaining what happened at the party with Jake, she tried to change the subject.
"So, who was the mystery guest last night?" Emily asked, taking a sip of her smoothie.
"Which one?" I asked, taking a gulp of my coffee.
She practically spit out her drink, "What? Did you have a party last night?"
I laughed. "Hardly."
"Tell me what happened. Plleeaasseeeee," she begged, her puppy brown eyes pleading with my blue ones.
"Well, I had... Read Full Chapter
"So, who was the mystery guest last night?" Emily asked, taking a sip of her smoothie.
"Which one?" I asked, taking a gulp of my coffee.
She practically spit out her drink, "What? Did you have a party last night?"
I laughed. "Hardly."
"Tell me what happened. Plleeaasseeeee," she begged, her puppy brown eyes pleading with my blue ones.
"Well, I had... Read Full Chapter
on April 07, 2013