What is the book that made you cry? I remember when I read a novel that made me cry, wi...

Is there any sad songs that just makes you cry? Is there any sad songs that just makes ...

What do you think about Taylor Swift? What's your opinion on her?

Who's your Creepypasta crush? Which Creepypasta do you crush on?

What is the weather were you guys live? I'm just curious because where i live its just ...
Are humans born evil?

Which QFeasters' name would you write Down? Death Note inspired Question. Be Honest, It...
What would you want to die for?

Would you break the law to save a loved one?

When did you join Qfeast? I joined qfeast on March 31 2014 I think I was 13 or 14 back ...

Who is BTS? I know they are a korean band but like does anyone know much about them, li...

Can you breathe through your nose while humming at the same time? For some reason I can...
Can I use you for a story? Okay so I recently got inspired for a story about a Qfeast a...

Do you like new penny wise or old penny wise? I like new it's scary also check out the ...

What is your favorite song? (1) mine is shape of you, or maby worth it! or maby heathen...
Wat your favorite Youtuber? My favorite is Majira Strawberry. Wat yours?
What do you like to drink?

Are you excited for the new Jurrasic world? Blue is so freaking adorable

What's everyone's favourite music and song? hi all, what type of music does everyone li...