Do you like having ads on Qfeast?

what would you do if i ran up to you and slapped a picture of chihiro on you?

is ANYONE else here a pisces or born on march?!? please like please cme on muy dudes, a...

Do you like cooking? This is just a random question

Does anyone here like Boba?

how did you discover qfeast?

When and how do you think the Coronavirus pandemic will end?

how many people live in your house?
what is your favorite color? (2) mine is orange
What is the first things you would do if you were left home alone? What trouble would y...
What do you do when your bored? (2) i for one sleep,eat,play video games, sleep and did...

What's your favorite fruit? Nom nom fruit
do you think it weird to eat spaghetti without sauce? I wanna know I think taste good
Do you still watch little kids shows? I do I honestly still watch Pokémon.
What type of people pi$$ you off?

okay, if you was the only person on earth which creepypasta (if the we're real) who wou...
Do You Think I'm a Girl or a Boy? I want you to guess my gender