what type of kins do you not like? for example: people who kin x character
What names do you go by? Asking so i dont call u the wrong thing, everyone needs 2 answer

How did this whole "Holy water vs Satan" thing start anyways? Me and quite a few others...
Figure out this riddle. A family of seven. One day the Mother was found dead up in her ...

Who's the person/people on your phone background for me it's taka

Do straight people actually exist i thought it was just a meme you guys :((
If gravity was never discovered, would we be able to fly?

okay i know i asked y'all this but who's your MHA bf or gf? hey everyone! so i was thin...
Creepymon is a stalker she is. She spys on people. She may be sweet and inncoent but im...

Who wants to be join my family? (Everyone is welcome) Who wants to join my family every...

Who's your favourite pokemon? (1) Personally mine is goodra and the whole goodra evolut...
Which houses would class 1-A belong in if they went to Hogwarts? Class 1-A Students: Ba...
So uh my friend's birthday is in less than a day-(read desc) So uh my friend's birthday...

What do you think of me? (14)
If I were to send you to a fandom universe, were would you go? It is a legit question I...
I have something to say. This is going to be hard to say. With Idiot gone and Coffee le...
Favorite acronym?
what is your dream job? (2)

do you want to be friends?