How many time do you fight in the school? I hate school fights because is humiliate, disgusting, and is not educational for nobody
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A fight yeah but with no hitting... I have been hitted ON like asked out and stuff.. but I said no..lol
on November 30, 2013
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I only fight with bullies and I usually win and the fights happen about once or twice a week
on October 25, 2020
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I only fight with those who make me angrrrry, and I have angerrr issuses, but they don't belive me (I never rrreally told them anyway xD) so I easly lost contrrrol of myself and attack... But it's not my fault.... :(
on February 26, 2015
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never cuz i get along wit almost every 1 how i dont get along wit 2 hell wit dem
on April 12, 2014
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Fights, I would not call what the people at my school fights they are brawls they are completely different, in fights its 1 on 1 in brawls a lot of people start fighting each other, got a right hook in the face and really hurt the guy (sigh) but we do it to protect our friends. once I had to choke someone out because of $20 I just love my school.
on March 04, 2014
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......hehe achually I got punched a guy in the gut and almost got hit with a chair in the head, then there was the time a girl kept hitting on my bf and eventually he started cheating on me, had to have a lot of people hold me down to not kill her.... hehe, OH and there was that time that lifted DarkStar off of the ground and yelled at him.....
on January 19, 2014
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Well, I've never been in a fight, but I love the ones at our school:D I mean, the best one was between two girls. One of them was pulling her hair while smacking her...it was great and the other girl completely deserved it. There was another one that was pretty bad. One guy was hitting on another guys girlfriend so the boyfriend punched him so hard in the face he was bleeding. That one was pretty bad. I don't know. Our school is so boring so when something like that happens See More it give us something to talk about.
on August 10, 2013