anonymous-user-pobCXp's Quizzes
anonymous-user-pobCXp published 37 quizzes

Would we get along in real life?

What song do you remind me of?

Which of Hermie's friends are you?

which european country are you?

which conspiracy theory are you? (Tw)

How much do you know about communism?

Arabic or lotr?

What state would you be from if you were American?

how many words can you spell from "quarantine"?

Which global pandemic would you have survived?

what kitchen utensil is your type?

Forbidden cross word

piss patterns that determine whether youre dom, sub, or switch

guessing how much emotional trauma u have by ur fav unicorn
bet ! can guess ur rel!gion by an!me quest!ons

what do you need help with in school?

Is that a medical term or a literary device ~but its harder~

Is that a medical term or an obscure literary device?

Would you be under arrest already if you lived in North Korea?