What song do you remind me of?

What song do you remind me of?

fun fact uromancy is astrology that involves pissing in a pot if anyone tries it tell me what its like

published on June 03, 2020

Its June 2020, what are you doing?

Protests or riots
Protests or riots
Any activity to get adrenaline in quarantine
Any activity to get adrenaline in quarantine
Learning guitar/similar instrument.
Learning guitar/similar instrument.
Doing incense
Doing incense
Rejoining old fandoms
Rejoining old fandoms
Writing or drawing
Writing or drawing
Dealing with family
Dealing with family
Wasnt born yet. Not that i think this quiz is going to survive long enough for anyone to pick this option but just in case

I gave up on getting fitting images for this quiz. Do you want a song reccomendation thats actually good or a meme at the end

I gave up on getting fitting images for this quiz. Do you want a song reccomendation thats actually good or a meme at the end
Both/either or
Legit song

Whats the most satisfactory thing on your body?

Whats the most satisfactory thing on your body?
My scars
My 12 inch dick
My tattoos/face markings (can be freckles, shaved eyebrows, or other unique things)
My charm bracelet/similar object because i had to earn them by being kind

Whats your favorite divination method?

Astrology (zodiacs)
Astrology (zodiacs)
Uromancy (piss fortune telling)
Uromancy (piss fortune telling)
Theriomancy (by animals behaviors)
Theriomancy (by animals behaviors)
Scatomancy (shit fortune telling)
Scatomancy (shit fortune telling)
Shufflemancy (trusting random lyrics from songs in your playlist to tell the future)
Shufflemancy (trusting random lyrics from songs in your playlist to tell the future)
Archeomancy (drawing parallels in history)
Archeomancy (drawing parallels in history)
Empyromancy (burns)
Empyromancy (burns)

You get to control whichever set of words you pick

You get to control whichever set of words you pick
Infinite Possibilities, Indifference, Confusion, Darkening, Secrets, Doubt, Irrelevance
Negativity, Caution, Withdraw, Equality/Wisdom, Necessity, Acceptance, Control/Limits
Healing, Positivity, Energy, Growth, Authority/Power, Luxury, Rebellion, Recklessness/Liberation
Irrational Impulses, Instinct, Emotions, Feelings, Biased and Personal, Empathy, Passion, Single Possibilities, flashyness
Unity, Connection, Commitment, Attachment, Obligation, Promises, Dependence, Stability, Responsibility, Roots, Material, Tangibility
these answers are all too abstract sorry

What do you wish your brain was drowning in?

What do you wish your brain was drowning in?
Memories of past lives
Nostalgic imagery/aromas

Can you see yourself being featured on r/nicegirls

Not at all
Only for something shitty i did in the past

What do you think your ancestry wouldve looked like in a fantasy realm?

Gypsies or spirits
Gypsies or spirits
Rouges and exiles
Rouges and exiles
Heroes and knights
Heroes and knights
Musicians and textile workers
Musicians and textile workers