Is that a medical term or an obscure literary device? Is that a medical term or an obscure iterary device? The mythical game show anonymous-user-rI4wFy published on February 12, 2020 Stacked 1/12 Anaphora Literary device Medical term 2/12 Anthimeria Literary device Medical term 3/12 Aberration Literary device Medical term 4/12 Bias Literary device Medical term 5/12 Cachectic Literary device Medical term 6/12 Bonus question:which are medical terms and literary devices at the same time? Hint: 2 choices Dejá vù Enthymeme Entendre Development 7/12 Falcutative Literary device Medical term 8/12 Hypophora Literary device Medical term 9/12 Juxta-articular Literary device Medical term 10/12 Litotes Literary device Medical term 11/12 Oxymoron Literary device Medical term 12/12 Rale Literary device Medical term