bet ! can guess ur rel!gion by an!me quest!ons bet 100% real and legit quiz with totally accurate results u will be amazed and ur mum will be pregnant with twins anonymous-user-rI4wFy published on February 21, 2020 Stacked 1/9 do you think maria n shadow are a cute idea? why or why not no because shes a human n he is edgehog yea only if they were both humans only if they were both mobians a little, im not against it/no opinion 2/9 what does your more religious parent think of this ship bLASPHEMOUS aight they jus women bein women they dont have a religious reason to care I dont have the same religion as either of my parents 3/9 how would they feel abt this one tho tHIS MUST BE STOPPED the other was fine but man/man is jus "too weird" for them again, they care/dont care but not for religious reasons again, neither of them share my beliefs 4/9 do you think you'll get to kiss ur anime gf/bf in the afterlife? ♡_♡ yes no 5/9 Which anime archetype do you act the most like when surrounded by other people of your religion? Yandere Tsundere Dandere Kuudere 6/9 how many anime pairings do you ship? :"> 1-6 7-15 16-24 25+ 50+ so many that some characters are wrapped in multiple ships 7/9 if you were an anime protagonist, which character would be the most important to remove from your harem The loli The family/step family member the yandere the one with red hair >:o( anyone the same gender as me 8/9 w0t do you want the most thats synonymous with anime? bigger boops/ass/pp :"> big colorful hair a harem sword fighting skills 9/9 Is anime a waste of time? Yes technically yes but its fine a little not at all