Is that a medical term or a literary device ~but its harder~ Low n be hoes, the mythical game show returns to cbs for a final season anonymous-user-pobCXp published on February 13, 2020 Stacked 1/13 Anadiplosis Literary device Medical term Both 2/13 Abrade Literary device Medical term Both 3/13 Acathisia Literary device Medical term Both 4/13 Daw Literary device Medical term Both 5/13 Invective Literary device Medical term Both 6/13 Jamais vu Literary device Medical term Both Neither 7/13 Parrhesia Literary device Medical term Both Neither 8/13 Procatalepsis Literary device Medical term Both Neither 9/13 Pedantic Literary device Medical term Both Neither 10/13 Sanguine Literary device Medical term Both Neither 11/13 Synesthesia Literary device Medical term Both Neither 12/13 Zeugma Literary device Medical term Both Neither 13/13 Bonus question:only select words that are NOT made up Hint: 2 choices Euphemism Curphemism Aesthphemism Dysphemism