Hi!!! Ive heard a lot bout u from IceCat and Steph so I thought id stop byre and say hi!! ^(^.^)

on April 07, 2013

hi there lol
on April 05, 2013
on April 05, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed
Chapter 10: The mercenary arrives
Jack and Vanessa were at HQ. They were researching Lucifer and satanic items. They were trying to predict where the portal would be opened.
Suddenly, an alarm began buzzing. Jack and Vanessa sprang to their feet.
"What's going on?" Jack asked.
"Something is attacking HQ," Vanessa replied. "Let's go."
They got their weapons and ran out the door. The place was being destroyed by a demon. There were dead hunters all over the place. Jon and Morgan joined Jack and Vanessa. They all ran to where th... Read Full Chapter
Suddenly, an alarm began buzzing. Jack and Vanessa sprang to their feet.
"What's going on?" Jack asked.
"Something is attacking HQ," Vanessa replied. "Let's go."
They got their weapons and ran out the door. The place was being destroyed by a demon. There were dead hunters all over the place. Jon and Morgan joined Jack and Vanessa. They all ran to where th... Read Full Chapter
on April 04, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed
Chapter 9: Allison Johnson
"Now what do we do?" Jack asked "How are we going to fight the Devil?"
"I am not sure," Vanessa replied. "Our best bet is to stop Lucifer from ever rising."
"How do we do that?"
"I have a friend in Seattle," Vanessa told him. "Her name is Allison Johnson. She is an expert when it comes to demons and devils."
They got on the plane and headed for Seattle.
They landed outside of a huge dark mansion. They got off the plan... Read Full Chapter
"I am not sure," Vanessa replied. "Our best bet is to stop Lucifer from ever rising."
"How do we do that?"
"I have a friend in Seattle," Vanessa told him. "Her name is Allison Johnson. She is an expert when it comes to demons and devils."
They got on the plane and headed for Seattle.
They landed outside of a huge dark mansion. They got off the plan... Read Full Chapter
on April 04, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed
Hello Folks enjoying this story. I gotta say that i never thought i would get this far into the story. But my 3 good friends are by my side helping me out and supporting me so its all good. Stephanie, Bella, and Alice, Thank you so much.
Since my first Shoutout, alot of changes have been made, or i should say since my introduction. I also forgot an important character so ill have to put her in this next list.
1. Jack Lee
2. Vanessa Marshals
3. Allison Johnson
4. Farrah
5. Jon Lennox
6. Morga... Read Full Chapter
Since my first Shoutout, alot of changes have been made, or i should say since my introduction. I also forgot an important character so ill have to put her in this next list.
1. Jack Lee
2. Vanessa Marshals
3. Allison Johnson
4. Farrah
5. Jon Lennox
6. Morga... Read Full Chapter
on April 04, 2013

on April 03, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed
Chapter 8: Confrontation
Jack turned to see Azazel, the yellow-eyed demon. He looked the same as when he attacked him and Farrah.
"Azazel," Jack said. Vanessa stood up.
"Hello, Jack," Azazel replied. "It has been a while. Hows your girlfriend doing? Well she is having a marvelous time with me in Hell."
"I swear," Jack said. "I will kill you, you son of a bitch."
"you should know," Azazel told him. "I can't be killed. The most you could do is send me back to Hell. I'll just come back."
"No Azazel," Jack said. "I will ... Read Full Chapter
"Azazel," Jack said. Vanessa stood up.
"Hello, Jack," Azazel replied. "It has been a while. Hows your girlfriend doing? Well she is having a marvelous time with me in Hell."
"I swear," Jack said. "I will kill you, you son of a bitch."
"you should know," Azazel told him. "I can't be killed. The most you could do is send me back to Hell. I'll just come back."
"No Azazel," Jack said. "I will ... Read Full Chapter
on April 03, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed

Chapter 7: The Cenobite
It was a few days later. Jack was called to Vanessa's room. It was Vanessa requesting Jack's help.
Jack got ready and headed to Vanessa's room. He knocked on the door.
Vanessa opened the door and pulled Jack in the room. She looked all worked up.
"Whats going on?" Jack asked.
"The cenobite is in Miami, Florida," Vanessa replied. "I have been after this thing for two years."
"What is a cenobite?"
"A demon. It is released from Hell with a special box. The cenobite's name is Pinhead."
"How do yo... Read Full Chapter
Jack got ready and headed to Vanessa's room. He knocked on the door.
Vanessa opened the door and pulled Jack in the room. She looked all worked up.
"Whats going on?" Jack asked.
"The cenobite is in Miami, Florida," Vanessa replied. "I have been after this thing for two years."
"What is a cenobite?"
"A demon. It is released from Hell with a special box. The cenobite's name is Pinhead."
"How do yo... Read Full Chapter
on April 03, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed

Chapter 6: The Count
Vanessa sat Jack down. She then walked over and sat in her chaiir at her desk. She opened a file on her computer titled "vampires".
"Ok Jack," Vanessa said. "Just because it is our first mission together, doesnt mean it is going to be an easy one. We are going to the city of Chicago. Once we are there we will hunt the vampire lord known as Dracula."
"Ok," Jack replied "How do we get there?"
"I have a plane," she told him. "Now lets go."
Vanessa led Jack to the roof. There was a plane that cou... Read Full Chapter
"Ok Jack," Vanessa said. "Just because it is our first mission together, doesnt mean it is going to be an easy one. We are going to the city of Chicago. Once we are there we will hunt the vampire lord known as Dracula."
"Ok," Jack replied "How do we get there?"
"I have a plane," she told him. "Now lets go."
Vanessa led Jack to the roof. There was a plane that cou... Read Full Chapter
on April 03, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed
This is just a shout out to those who are reading this story and/or are a part of this story. I wanted to say that this story has gone under alot of changes since the introduction chapter. Instead of multiple horror icons, i will have only two appear. I might do a short story series after this story with jack going against a different icon in each story. So here is a new cast of characters.
1. Jack Lee
2. Vanessa Marshals (XXxSilentHopexXX)
3. Allison Johnson (Bella101)
4. Azazel
5. Jon Lenn... Read Full Chapter
1. Jack Lee
2. Vanessa Marshals (XXxSilentHopexXX)
3. Allison Johnson (Bella101)
4. Azazel
5. Jon Lenn... Read Full Chapter
on April 02, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed
Chapter 5: Suit Up
Vanessa led Jack to a room. She opened the door and turned the light on. There were weapons and outfits everywhere. The room was so big that it seemed to go on forever.
"Holy crap," Jack said.
"We have a large selection of weapons and outfits," Vanessa told him. "Go ahead and choose what you want. I'll be waiting for you outside?"
Vanessa left Jack in the room. Jack looked around.
The room was so big that there was room for a small plane and a chopper.
Jack looked at many weapons. He looked a... Read Full Chapter
"Holy crap," Jack said.
"We have a large selection of weapons and outfits," Vanessa told him. "Go ahead and choose what you want. I'll be waiting for you outside?"
Vanessa left Jack in the room. Jack looked around.
The room was so big that there was room for a small plane and a chopper.
Jack looked at many weapons. He looked a... Read Full Chapter
on April 02, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed

Chapter 4: Vanessa Marshals
They blind folded Jack and pt him into a van and drove off. About 45 minutes later, the van stopped. Jack was led into a building where the blind fold was removed.
The place was very advanced in technology. There were machines and computers everywhere.
"Welcome to headquarters," Jon said. "Come. We will leave you to your partner."
They led Jack to a room. Jon knocked on the door.
Jack looked around and saw a .45 and a samurai sword on a shelf near the desk.
The chair turned around. Sitting in... Read Full Chapter
The place was very advanced in technology. There were machines and computers everywhere.
"Welcome to headquarters," Jon said. "Come. We will leave you to your partner."
They led Jack to a room. Jon knocked on the door.
Jack looked around and saw a .45 and a samurai sword on a shelf near the desk.
The chair turned around. Sitting in... Read Full Chapter
on April 02, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed
Chapter 3: New Job
"Who the hell are you?" Jack demanded "Where is Farrah?"
"Your girlfriend is dead," Thw first man said, "The man who attacked you killed her."
"Let me out of this bed!" Jack yelled. "I'll kill that son of a bitch!"
"You can't," the second man said. "Not without training"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Jack demanded. "I'm a martial artist."
"I am Jon Lennox," The first man said. "This is Morgan Reedus. We are in a secret organization that hunt the paranormal and supernatural."
"Not eve... Read Full Chapter
"Your girlfriend is dead," Thw first man said, "The man who attacked you killed her."
"Let me out of this bed!" Jack yelled. "I'll kill that son of a bitch!"
"You can't," the second man said. "Not without training"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Jack demanded. "I'm a martial artist."
"I am Jon Lennox," The first man said. "This is Morgan Reedus. We are in a secret organization that hunt the paranormal and supernatural."
"Not eve... Read Full Chapter
on April 02, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed
Chapter 2: "Attacked"
The man was approaching Jack. Jack went for the bedroom, but the front door was blasted down.
The yellow eyed man confronted Jack. He had a smile on his face.
"Who are you?" Jack demanded.
"You can call me Azazel," the man replied.
Without warning, Azazel flew at Jack and hit him with a palm thrust to the chest. Jack flew across the room and hit the wall hard. He landed on the floor.
Azazel stood over Jack and pulled out a knife.
"You're next," Azazel said.
Jack began to stand up. Azazel pick... Read Full Chapter
The yellow eyed man confronted Jack. He had a smile on his face.
"Who are you?" Jack demanded.
"You can call me Azazel," the man replied.
Without warning, Azazel flew at Jack and hit him with a palm thrust to the chest. Jack flew across the room and hit the wall hard. He landed on the floor.
Azazel stood over Jack and pulled out a knife.
"You're next," Azazel said.
Jack began to stand up. Azazel pick... Read Full Chapter
on April 02, 2013

on April 01, 2013

WWEChampion20 added a new chapter to The Unleashed

Chapter 1: The Beginning
It was a warm night in the famous city of Las Vegas, Nevada. A casino was as alive as ever. Men and women were placing bets, testing their luck at the slots, and a few hit it big... but lost it all in seconds.
One man came to the casino very often. He would play his favorite card game. That game was Blackjack.
The Man's name was Jack Lee. Jack was a pretty tough looking guy. He was six foot six and 245 pounds of muscle. He often wore a black T-shirt with black jeans and black boots. He had sh... Read Full Chapter
One man came to the casino very often. He would play his favorite card game. That game was Blackjack.
The Man's name was Jack Lee. Jack was a pretty tough looking guy. He was six foot six and 245 pounds of muscle. He often wore a black T-shirt with black jeans and black boots. He had sh... Read Full Chapter
on April 01, 2013