Maya_swan - Page 17

my name is Maya ariana swan. i am a total fangirl trust me!
My fandom's are:
•harry potter See More
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Dauntless men barge into the room. They catch you and somehow know where everyone else is, too. They round up everyone in the vents. You see Taylor not far off. She sees you, too, and she walks over.
"That didn't work," she whispers, somehow still injecting sarcasm into every word.
"Well, I'm sorry." Why is she so upset? Doesn't she want to escape?
She just shakes her head and stalks off. We're all rounded up.
"Since you were caught in this escapade, you will all be placed in a Faction that we will choose; not the Faction of your result," Ms. Lia seems almost happy that we tried to escape; as if that would somehow help her. "Guards, divide them into groups of five."
You're roughly shoved into a group. There were about fifty of you in the original group; now you're in a group with nine other people, including Taylor.
Ms. Dori steps up, pen and clipboard in hand. "First group, Erudite. Second group, Dauntless. Third group, Candor. Fourth group, Amity. Fifth group-" she waves her pencil at your group "-Abnegation."
on June 12, 2015
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added a new chapter to element university
The alarm clock goes off and i hit the off button. Ginger is already up and heading into the bathroom to change. I pull off my blankets and comb my hair. i pull my hair up into a ponytail and finish just in time for Ginger to come out of the bathroom in a black an white sweat shirt and jeans. i go in and change into a blue t-shit and black jeans i walk out after brushing my teeth and let Lila in.
I walk with Ginger to our ...
on June 12, 2015
About Author
Personality/mood: just happy
Hobbies: playing on my ipod (it's a hobby to me!)
Favorite place to be: woods
(Optional) Hair color, hair style, eye color: light red,in a ponytail (loosly curled) side bangs, eye color: dark brown
Scars, freckles, glasses, stitches, hats, eye patches, etc.: freckles
on June 11, 2015
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Hi. I started your Aptitude Test, if you want to take it now. :)
OK! :)
on June 11, 2015
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oh i will be right there :)
on June 11, 2015
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on June 11, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to element university
meeting hank peterson
I must've fallen asleep because Ginger shakes me and my eyes pop open.
"WAKE UP" she yells
"one more minute" i say turning on my other side but it's no use i was awake and i would stay awake till ten at least. "ugh, fine i'm up" i get up and check my phone which has 60 new text messages from my mom, i decide i will check them all after dinner, which was in a couple of minutes. I follow Lila and Ginger to the cafeteria just in time for dinner. i pick up a tray full of grapes, a sandwich an...
on June 11, 2015
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Me when board: -_- i hate everything.........

Me when not board: :D ya ya lets talk how are you? I like cats, phinoxes, mink blankets, sleeping, watching tv.
~one hour later: you has left you has ruined my moment :(

~ten seconds later: -_- i hate everything....
on June 11, 2015
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Charlie Matthews
Charlie Matthews
Name: Charlie Matthews
Age: 11
Personality: Smart, shy, sensitive, a bookworm, loves to read, very clever
Looks: Curly brown hair, freckles, green glasses, brown eyes, red sweatshirt
Element: Earth
on June 11, 2015
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Aptitude Test

Aptitude Test

on June 11, 2015
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on June 09, 2015
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on June 09, 2015
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
you are divergent. you don't fit in a category. but that is al-right you have each of the personalities from each factions, and favour selflessness, bravery, knowledge, truth and peace.
on June 09, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to element university
the dorm
i walk with ginger up to a table with the dorm sign up sheets. we pick room A89 there was a girl named lila already signed up there and i couldn't wait to meet her. i walk with ginger up the flight of steps to a dorm room with the letter and numbers A89 on the door. Ginger takes a deep breath and opens it. inside is a red haired girl with pitch black eyes.
"hi" she says putting more books onto her shelf along with an ipad and iphone.
"hi" ginger says but i just smile to busy putting my bag...
on June 09, 2015
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on June 09, 2015
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OC Training!

on June 09, 2015
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Ms. Lia smiles at you. "You are a Dauntless," is all she says before walking off. You're handed a large package. Inside is a black t-shirt and leggings. You dress, then slip on the black boots and earrings. There's a gun, but it's not loaded. You'll have to wait!
on June 08, 2015
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uploaded a photo
Maya_swan's Photo 1
on June 08, 2015
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has become a member of the page

Rivaling Kingdoms RP

on June 08, 2015
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Knight Art
Kingdom: Crystalwood
Appearances: Curly black hair, immaculate suit of armor with rubies in it
Personality: Courageous, generous, show-offish, cocky
Knight Art is show-offish and cocky, but he's brave, and that counts. He would give up a lot of things for his kingdom. He grew up in a poor family, back when King William didn't rule, and Crystalwood was a horrid place. Back then, peasants starved and begged for water. Art vowed to fight for his kingdom someday, and he did. Even though his sister died when they were kids, and his parents got carted off to be slaves to Cinderblade Kingdom, Art became a knight and now is willing to give his life for his kingdom.
on June 08, 2015
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on June 08, 2015
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on June 08, 2015
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Help! I'm having a hard time piking out the perfect profile picture! Any ideas?
on June 08, 2015
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