Maya_swan's Polls
Maya_swan published 42 polls
would you rather? (31)

Black or White? (2)

have you read divergent?

which emoji?
hi! or bye

which meme is funnier!
which dress is best? (1)

do you think the girls name Tapanga (ta-pang-guh) i really like it what do you think?
which of these is your favorite to create

what is your favorite faction from divergent?
do you think i am a good qfeaster?
what color hair do you have?

are you a fan of my little pony?
OK i really want to make an awesome book so please tell me which you like best!
have you ever done archery?
what would you do if you saw me at your mall?
are you home schooled or just go to school

which guy is cuter from supernatural

pic a flower