hey whats up
why!!!!! im leaving qfeast for three weeks for vaca :(( you cant leave u barely became my buddy :((
on July 11, 2013

on July 11, 2013

Eh not much =/ although tomorrow I am officially leaving qfeast :(
on July 11, 2013
on July 10, 2013

Yo wuzzup? Isn't tomorrow your birthday?
on July 09, 2013

GOODBYE FOREVER SEE YOU NEVER SORRY GUYS VE TO LEAVE!!!!! this is the last you'll here of me. Unless I make some final farewells or something but then I will leave forever and be aong forgotten qfeaster who had to leave....goodbye....

But whenever you do have time for qfeast, please come on, EVERYONE WILL MISS YOU SO MUCH ZOE YOU ARE AWESOME NO ONE WILL FORGET YOU!!!!!! :(( :(( :( :( :(( :(( :( :(
on July 11, 2013

I just don't have time for qfeast. :( its to much and I'm so busy. But I might be back by the end of summer but with school it may be even worse so I don't know...I will miss you all and I hope with all my heart I will be able to come back because you guys have ended up being the people I look Foward to talk with after a long day and just being on qfeast is awesome See More but its just way to much..in fact I have to go in five minutes because I have a concert =/ I'm so sorry guys ill miss u all :((
on July 09, 2013
on July 08, 2013

I have some bad news...:( I have to leave qfeast :(
on July 08, 2013

:( I have some bad news. I'm leaving qfeast :(
on July 08, 2013

Hi Lexi. I have some bad news :( Im leaving qfeast :(

I'm really sorry for butting in but I just wanted to say zoe.....you will NEVER be forgotting :)
on July 12, 2013

Lexi: You won't be forgotten! D: We'll make sure you are remembered!! D':
Lost: Zoe, no one could forget you even if they wanted... You're unforgettable :( Will you.. e-ever come back.. t-to say hi now a-and then? :(
Lexi: Will you? :(
Lost: Zoe, no one could forget you even if they wanted... You're unforgettable :( Will you.. e-ever come back.. t-to say hi now a-and then? :(
Lexi: Will you? :(
on July 09, 2013

Ill never forget any of u guys :( although I know in just a couple of days ill be forgotten and qfeast will continue. :(
on July 09, 2013

Lexi: D': This is horrible... I do hope you come back Zoe. Don't forget about your Qfeast friends now or your password and user in case you want to come back ;~; :( Such horrible news... Oh Zalgo this is horrible news. Don't forget Steph, me, your other Qfeast friends, or the Creepypastas. I hope to see you again Zoe... :( :((
Lost: *crying in the corner*
Lost: *crying in the corner*
on July 08, 2013

I don't know...I might be back by the end of Summer but recently there has just been so much going on and so much to come so I have to leave :( If I clear somethings up then I might possibly be back but probably not..:(
on July 08, 2013
on July 07, 2013

lulz u look like a smooth criminal xD
on July 03, 2013

un follow flutter shy she isnt an rbr anymore and has turned on us by becoming a hater i have a few words for her trader,disapointment and many more

on July 02, 2013

we were friends in kindergarden and I told her all my secrets she swore she wouldn't tell anyone she told me she wrote them down and when she was really mean to me I said I wasn't her friend anymore and she threatned me
on June 30, 2013
on June 30, 2013

I <3 Minecraft
on June 28, 2013

MY CAT IS SO GROSS!!! I am sitting outside right now on my kindle and my cat comesup holding a dead chipmunk, meows, drops it, THEN STARTS EATING IT RIGHT BY MY FEET!!! srsly kitty? Srsly? And the worst part is....I HEARD CRUNCHING NOISEZ!!! Its pretty gross. I mean, I don't mind if she eats it somewhere else but, ITS RIGHT AT MY FEET!!!! Yuck!!!

on June 27, 2013

on June 27, 2013
on June 26, 2013


Its good to have some people like you on qfeast that just get out there and make cool stuff!!
on June 26, 2013
on June 26, 2013

:D I just got back from Florda!! XD Lol. :3

It was... AWSOME.. I went on rollercoasters with my cousins and stuff :3 IT WAS SOOO AWSOME XD
on June 26, 2013
on June 26, 2013

Hi!!! I thought maybe I could use some advice for my hunger games book. Would you be willing to help? If so, its called The Hunger Games, Zoe's Point of View.

on June 25, 2013

Oh hi, i'm flattered that you're asking for MY help, but I'm afraid to say I never share any of my writing ideas or techniques. I work alone. I do apologise, good luck with your book! XX :D (However there is the exception of publishing my work, which I may do on Qfeast some time in the future) I recommend you ask Beauty784, she's a writer, too, and always seems See More willing to help. :)
on June 25, 2013
on June 25, 2013

Hi chubbs!!! How's the Taylor swift thing going =/?

so far so good i havent gotten hate yet from her but then again she might be banned for a bit :D
on June 25, 2013
on June 25, 2013