on June 25, 2013

hi! madison here we need your help with a new hater taylor swift is hating on me and infite
on June 25, 2013

on June 24, 2013

on June 24, 2013

^ ^ ||
=°•°= ||
=°•°= ||
on June 23, 2013

when I saw you on chat i thought you were a new follower:-O

on June 23, 2013
on June 23, 2013

Idiot_Killjoy added a story to the favorite list

I'm a maid but my master thinks otherwise part 3 (ongoing)
on June 22, 2013
yo how yo doing
on June 22, 2013
on June 22, 2013

Will you read my book? Its called, The Hunger Games, Zoe's Point of View. I need all the help I can get!!!
on June 22, 2013

Hey!! For the book would you lime to be my ally along with Spike of your district and Derek and I?

Lol I'm actually writing the chapter right now on my computer and doing this with my kindle xD and I'm actually meeting you right now in the training!!
on June 22, 2013
on June 22, 2013

Am i still in the hunger games book+ally?
on June 22, 2013

You baaaaaack? Im so boooored|-)
on June 22, 2013

Hi Steph, if you have any spare ti.e would you mine reading my HG book and maybe give some tips and a rating? Thanks! Its called, The Hunger Games, Zoe's Point of View. The main character is a fourteen year old name Zoe.
on June 22, 2013

He he chubby monkey
on June 22, 2013

I'm going to eat that cat....
SPIKE! that was a baby!! BURP IT NOW when you burp it out then you get infinity gems from me
on June 22, 2013
on June 22, 2013
on June 22, 2013

Hi, in the book, do you want to be my ally, and also allied with one or two other people, or would you like to be more if a career? Or solo?
on June 21, 2013

Ok, so you know how I said I might not win? Well that would probably because I would sacrafice myslef for a friend. After I sacraficed myself, that friend will most likely win. But I might change it so they don't, but they probably will. I migth have 2 friends, and one of them wins or something. So do you want to be one of the friend/friends?

Ok you don't HAVE to be in this book. But in the next one your gonna be a shapeshifter.
on June 22, 2013

Hmmmm.....how about I write another book were you shape shift ir another hunger games with magic?
on June 22, 2013
on June 21, 2013

Hi qfeast, I just wanted to tell you that there is this glitch. When I go to my notifications and I try to type something back there is no button for adding the comment! Plz help!

on June 21, 2013
on June 21, 2013