Hi qfeast.
I was wondering if I could make sort of a group that looked for people with fake profiles that faked their identity and report them. Would this be ok?
I was wondering if I could make sort of a group that looked for people with fake profiles that faked their identity and report them. Would this be ok?

on June 22, 2013

Oh, can I help you make a group? :-)
on June 22, 2013

Ok thank you!
on June 21, 2013

You can create any group, of course, as long as you respect Qfeast Terms an Conditions. In your case is totally ok
on June 21, 2013
on June 21, 2013

You're not allowed to have fake profiles like ArianaGrande!!! Because your not ArianaGrande so you might get removed!
on June 21, 2013

Idiot_Killjoy added a story to the favorite list

SHORT Remake of the Hunger Games!!
on June 21, 2013

Hi. IceCat here. I've got Fallen Angels stuck in my head xD although its not a bad thing cuz I love that song c:
on June 20, 2013

Hi there :)

Really? Thank you a ton ;) I'd love to help if you'd like! And I love making characters :D
on June 25, 2013

I read your stories and thought I could maybe use some help because they were so good!!
on June 21, 2013

Will you check out my hunger games story and maybe give me some advice? Its called The Hunger Games To Zoe
on June 21, 2013
on June 20, 2013

Hi Steph!!! Zoe here!! I have stopped hiding that I am a punk!!! Which I am so yeah!!

Lmao sounds amazing and awesome! :D hope u have fun and hope ur friend has a wonderful birthday :D and I'm pretty good I guess lol
on June 21, 2013

Pretty good. We're gonna go camping on the beach in this luxury beach house (well according to everyone else its a cabin but I'm calling it a luxury beach because it has a hot tub and tons of fancy rooms.) Then after that my friend and I are going to...some amusement park idk because its her b day on the 3rd of July xD. She always tells me, 'I knew I should've See More waited 1 more day!' Lol. Then I'm gonna help set up the flower float in the 4th of July parade and I'm pretty excited. How bout u? :p
on June 20, 2013

Lmao hey was sup?!? How u been hun I missed ya so much! =D hey guess what idk if lexi told u but I'm doing a creepypasta story with me u and her so I just need to get down the title and some ideas so =\ but anyways how u been? :)
on June 20, 2013
on June 20, 2013

Hi Lexi!! Guess who without going to my profile!!!
on June 20, 2013

on June 20, 2013

on June 20, 2013

on June 19, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What Time Of The Day Person Are You?
on June 13, 2013

on June 12, 2013

Hello everyone!!!!!!!:-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D
on June 12, 2013

on June 09, 2013

Ice a git a new baby chinchilla but need to wait till it can leave her mother.&[]:D
on June 09, 2013

on June 08, 2013