I found this awesome pic and will try to make it my profile picture!!!!
on March 07, 2013

Hi!!!Thanks for the follow!!!You just got a new one too!!! =]
on March 07, 2013

Btw, just wanted to tell ya that I posted another chapter of "A New Killer Is Born" =)
on March 06, 2013

Hey girl whatcha doing? =) Aint heard from you in a while lol. how you been?

Maybe.....my name could be Kayla but Kayla doesn't like that name so everybody calls her Icy??!! Thanks!!! =]
on March 07, 2013

I've been good and same here with the school work lol. And I read ur comment on my story. What name did u want to have as your character in the story? =)
on March 07, 2013

Oh, I been doing alright. Ive had a lot of homework and violin practice to catch up on!!! How have you been? =]
on March 07, 2013
on March 06, 2013

on March 06, 2013

You got a new follower cause of Stephanie so I would thank her!!!!!! (And because I think your stories are awesome, your poems rock etc.) =]
on March 06, 2013

Thank you guys for following me!!!!!!Never thought anyone would!!! O.o
on March 06, 2013

I bet I know what your favorite animal is!!!!! PENGUIN!!!!!!!!(Saw quiz) =]

on March 06, 2013
on March 06, 2013

Hello everybody!!!! I have a question:How do you write stuff and then post it?

Hmmmmm........I tried by pressing the story tab and all that came up was like, latest, top rated, and categories or whatever.........
on March 06, 2013

If u wanna post a story, u click on the story tab and click where it says create story and there u go =) I hope this helps
on March 05, 2013
on March 05, 2013

Hey, I posted 3 new chapters of "A New Killer Is Born". =) Hope you like it, enjoy
on March 04, 2013