KatHoran added a new chapter to Sour patch girls

Sierra Ainslee Miller
YO IM SIERRA!!!! I'm in a girl group cuz I was on the XFactor and were called broken hipsters ;) I like art, singing, and writing cuz I don't express myself by talking, but by being creative. I'm sassy and talk image and I don't really like Chelsea. She so coincided. But I can tell Eva has some good in her. Our rival band, sour patch girls, aren't really than bad. I was kinds thinking we could be friends if Chelsea weren't so meeeeean. But ya know, ya get what u get and y'all don't get upset.
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on September 30, 2013

KatHoran added a new chapter to Sour patch girls

Eva Markus
Hey hey I'm Eva and I'm went on the XFactor. I'm in a group called broken hipsters and stuff and my I'm 20 years old. People think I'm mean but I can't help it. I was abused when I was 6 and it stopped when I was 12. I'm only expressing the pain I've been through. I have been anorexic before too. I wish I wasn't so mean but I don't think about what I've said until after I've said it and I just can't help it. Deep down I'm nice though. I really am
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on September 30, 2013

KatHoran added a new chapter to Sour patch girls

Chelsea Colin
Sup I'm Chelsea. I'm in a girl group called broken hipsters. So like, yea. I'm 18. I have a crush on Harry styles. This other girl group called the sour patch girls is kinds like, rivals with us, ya know. So yea. There so stupid and ugly. Just like ick. So like I have a really good taste in music, food, clothes, shoes, makeup, hair, and pretty much everything. People say I'm full of myself but I honestly think there jealous because I'm so amazing.
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on September 30, 2013

KatHoran added a new chapter to Sour patch girls

Chapter 2
Krystelle's POV
yes, we have been through boot camp.nwere now on live shows. Cool right? There is another girl group called broken hipsters that's have pretty much become rivals with us. There names are Chelsea, Eva, and Sierra. I can tell how fake they are. There facets caked with makeup and hair stiff with thousand of products. I guess Simon just can't see that. Now have you been wondering why exactly Receal was screaming?
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Receal screamed. "Oh my gooood can't we just g... Read Full Chapter
yes, we have been through boot camp.nwere now on live shows. Cool right? There is another girl group called broken hipsters that's have pretty much become rivals with us. There names are Chelsea, Eva, and Sierra. I can tell how fake they are. There facets caked with makeup and hair stiff with thousand of products. I guess Simon just can't see that. Now have you been wondering why exactly Receal was screaming?
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Receal screamed. "Oh my gooood can't we just g... Read Full Chapter
on September 29, 2013

KatHoran added a new chapter to Sour patch girls

Chapter 1
Krystelle's POV
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" I immediately woke up to the sound of most likely, Receal screaming. Oh well. not my problem. I want to wake up to something other than the sound of somebody screaming for once! Please! I got up and put on this: http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_23/set?id=81997874
We are on tour so we all have to sleep in the same tour bus. I mean seriously these girls are so loud can't we have our OWN tour bus? Why are we on tour you ask? This is how we all started:
... Read Full Chapter
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" I immediately woke up to the sound of most likely, Receal screaming. Oh well. not my problem. I want to wake up to something other than the sound of somebody screaming for once! Please! I got up and put on this: http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_23/set?id=81997874
We are on tour so we all have to sleep in the same tour bus. I mean seriously these girls are so loud can't we have our OWN tour bus? Why are we on tour you ask? This is how we all started:
... Read Full Chapter
on July 26, 2013

Hi everybody I'm starting a thread so you can add your favorite song and copy and paste it to the next person :)
Really Don't Care- Demi Lovato
Feel This Moment by Christina Aguilara feat. Pitbull
Really Don't Care- Demi Lovato
Feel This Moment by Christina Aguilara feat. Pitbull
on July 22, 2013

Wuss up Cookie Monster where u get that top hat? Ohhhh pink mustard I get it ab Lincoln i hate you
on July 13, 2013

KatHoran asked a question

What should I call my followers? I am thinking so far, ~Cupcakes ~Katers ~that's all...
on July 11, 2013

Oh my gosh my little 4 year old brother graduated from 1st year of Pre-K and I have a pic of him hugging his 'girlfriend' and another pic of him with his arm around to girls
on July 11, 2013

Hey everybody it's me Katie, also known as Kathianna and I was bored so... Hi

wait,if you join isnt ijust a page? like whats the point of the page?? im not trying to be rude but im just wanderin.
on July 17, 2013
on July 11, 2013

KatHoran asked a question
what song should i sing on the XFactor? well, i dont know if i will but when im a year ...
on July 07, 2013