Hey bibble!!! Its biffle iz not see u in a long time!!!!!:D

@fluttershy3536 wassup chick
on November 25, 2014

Is serenity here lol:)
on November 25, 2014
on November 24, 2014

on July 22, 2014

on September 08, 2013

wow my old account has 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!
on August 31, 2013
on August 24, 2013
on August 18, 2013
hey girl i made a tdi (total drama island) page!
on July 10, 2013
on July 04, 2013

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Fluttershy_Pegisister
on July 04, 2013
on July 04, 2013

don't ask me no more questions on the conversation joint...
on July 04, 2013
hey gal remember g.i. jojo
on July 03, 2013

Is it true that Lesbogal is in a Mental Hospital? I feel so bad! but are you tell the abosutely positivly truth? This is all our fault we should of left the situation alone....

on July 04, 2013
on July 03, 2013

i changed my username due to the love of Michael Jackson....:">

Yeah...he died 2 days after my birthday and I was only 8 years old...at least you were around before he died like...MANY F*CKING kids out there that wish to see him but was too late and was born after his death.:)
on July 04, 2013
on July 03, 2013

Earth you on?

because at school someone said she was a retard and she just had enough and went crazy I guess,I was there I started talking to the mean girl and then she freaking started to choke me
on July 04, 2013

hey you know people say lesbogal2 is dead? she is not she is in a ment. hospital though I saw her she was crying and everything
on July 03, 2013
on July 03, 2013
Hello Fluttershy
on July 04, 2013
on July 01, 2013

i saw what happened...
on July 04, 2013
on July 04, 2013

*Whispers and looks around* Okay..Jeez! Me and Rarity was entertaining each other! *Blushes*:">
on July 03, 2013
on June 30, 2013

Happy Birthday I mean it this time and can you help us take down lesbogal2
on June 30, 2013
on June 30, 2013
on June 30, 2013

Bye bye life and my best friends
on June 30, 2013

if you helped your friends you would be on the rbrs side NOT on lesbogal2s side why did you betray me ad rbr??????!??!??!?!?!? you have disapointed me flutter shy and idk if i could ever forgive you for this i thought you were my friend well apparently not i will treat you no different then any other hater i dont care if you were my friend i will not go easy on you have a fun bulling life flutter shy

chubby_monkey if you were a true RBR you would trust your fellow members, so trust Fluttershy_Pegisister
on June 30, 2013
on June 30, 2013

Hey um I know your secret so you have to do things for me or I will tell ALL your secrets hahaha they are pretty funny also the pics of you at the party
on June 30, 2013