The Official RBR page!
This is where ALL RBR's chat and NO HATERS at all are allowed on it!!! ZERO!! So yeah...A list of the RBRs, please comment if for some reason your name is not on here! Clove Potterpox HermioneSJM DJearworm Grace123 Earth707 Tornado1619 Backtohumans Soflol Lmfao Cassia Hannapower SONAMY12345 Ripley PeetaMellark76 Beauty784 Puglover3000 Marguarette3636 SONAMY12345

Guys, I was applying to be a senior prefect in my school so I've put on my application that I've helped stop cyber bullying on here. The RBRs have been doing a great job for years, and I'm proud to be an original member :)
on April 03, 2014

New hater army!!!! ALERT!!!! GhostGirl is forming hater army!!!!
on February 10, 2014

new hater h85ever please help We have no information oher then that it's a hater

on February 10, 2014
on December 08, 2013

My name isnt there
on August 06, 2013

RBRs, this is to you all (including me). I was going to type this out here, but it was far too long and so has been added to my rants here:
Please read. It's about all of us and what I think is going wrong with us.
Please read. It's about all of us and what I think is going wrong with us.

BackToHumans' Rants
I'm in the mood to rant about something. You guys can gimme suggestions if you wish. The whole point of this is for you to have something you can agree with.

I totally agree, I think it's ridiculous and I also think we are getting too big, and that too many members are joining, and then cussing at the haters and turning into haters themselves :/
on July 30, 2013
on July 30, 2013

RainbowzMurderYou Is a serious threat everyone!!!!! PLZ everyone ban her. She says she's making an army to destroy the RBR's and she called us all 10 year olds.... What? -.- But anyway...
EMERGENCY EMERGENCY "@RainbowzMurderYou" is forming a Hater army EMERGENCY EMERGENCY "@RainbowzMurderYou" is forming a Hater army to destroy the RBR's EMERGENCY EMERGENCY
EMERGENCY EMERGENCY "@RainbowzMurderYou" is forming a Hater army EMERGENCY EMERGENCY "@RainbowzMurderYou" is forming a Hater army to destroy the RBR's EMERGENCY EMERGENCY
on July 26, 2013

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lesbogal isn't done she said she has an army!!!!!!! She's still mean aw man new somthin fisheys goin on!!!

AHH may day may day hurry guys move move move please she won't get away with this
on July 30, 2013
on July 26, 2013

on July 25, 2013


RainbowzMurderYou Is a serious threat everyone D: Read her wall and OMG She's trying to destroy the RBR's!!!!!!!! D:
on July 26, 2013
on July 25, 2013

join shygirls new page about lesbogal2 she killed herself

on July 04, 2013
on July 04, 2013
on July 01, 2013

2 new haters!!!!!!!!! fluttershy and lesbogal2!!!!!!
on June 30, 2013

i think we might have a new hater on our hands lesbogal is best friends with iampretty!!!!

on June 30, 2013
You think I am friends with ShyGirl101 the b!tçh no I am not I am just trying to get you guys to hate her and oh yeah I turned Fluttershy_Pegisister into a hater and she WAS in R.B.R hahahaha does R.B.R know what will happen I am your guys' worst nightmare!!!
on June 30, 2013

on June 30, 2013
on June 29, 2013

on June 28, 2013

I just relized 2/4 0f the haters have lips as profile pics and
on June 26, 2013

hey new hater taylor swift is hating on me and a few others :(( go check it out!

ya ikr but i know im not fat at all what so ever im like ohhhh great comeback believe me if i ate alphabet soup i could sh*t out better statements then that!
on June 26, 2013
on June 25, 2013

gonetolate we need to stop him/her he/she is trying to take down qfeast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on June 23, 2013
on June 23, 2013

hey guys check out what gonetoolate said to qfeast and check out what i said back
on June 23, 2013

A traitor umung us firegirL was sayijg yolo is for b*tches And jerks

on June 23, 2013
on June 17, 2013