hello qfeast sorry to bug you but when I am trying to read a message that Dragonfiregirl101 sent me it goes to it but when I press "view profile" it goes to Princess_Twighlight_Pegisister do you know what is wrong I am worried about Dragonfiregirl101
what the? my profile?
on June 22, 2013
on June 12, 2013

hello star how come when I try to message you it will not let me?

i did but it is like when I read the message you sent to me it will not let me go to your profile so I had to search for you
on June 13, 2013
on June 12, 2013

qfeast can you make it to where when you upload a question quiz story or page can you make them one of your pictures
on June 12, 2013

hello qfeast applejack_69 wrote bad stuff about me and princess_twighlight_pegasister she called me a $lut and called princess_twighlight_pegasister a bitc#
on June 22, 2013

Hi Fluttershy_Pegisister, please report the post or the comment where applejack_69 said this to you.
If he/she said that using a private messages you can block him/her [Settings]->[Blocked Users] and won't bother you again.
If he/she said that using a private messages you can block him/her [Settings]->[Blocked Users] and won't bother you again.
on June 12, 2013
on June 12, 2013

hey I have not heasrd you in what seems like ages!! hey dragon see my pony pics?

no I am sad because of my lps and harry style pics I thought you were ignoring because of them :"(
on June 13, 2013
on June 11, 2013

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Pinkamena_Dianne_Pie_pegisister
on June 07, 2013

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was fluttershy3536
on June 04, 2013

hey gal please follow Rochelle_Goyle she is from Paris France she is kinda like rochelle that is why that is her username
on May 30, 2013
on May 30, 2013

I heard you were from france um i also like making friends and you like monster high you just say monseer high because of your accent
on May 30, 2013

hey princessvictoria do you want me to write a story about you or do you have any ideas of a story i should write
on June 03, 2013
on May 29, 2013

anyone want to ak me what kind of story to make i can,t decide
on May 28, 2013

Fluttershy3536 asked a question

who knew joan marie plumb who knew joan marie plumb when did you meet her what was your...
on May 21, 2013


angel bunny missed you alot but he ate too much food of depression now he is really fat
on May 28, 2013
on May 23, 2013

Nah cant leave... yea i like monster high a bit... And yes i know one of the dolls are like my name -.-
on May 21, 2013

dragon *hugs* i missed you i was really busy hey um can you leave austrailia and go to casa grande arizona at my house um do you like monster high?
on May 20, 2013
on May 20, 2013

>:) people are not joining plzzz join

dude i hope harhar is allright or I will HAVE to perform by myself do NOT laugh one bit
on May 20, 2013
on May 19, 2013
on May 16, 2013

hey betzy um do u have evalyns # idk how to spell her name
on May 06, 2013
on May 04, 2013
on May 04, 2013