hi earth707 can twighlightsparkle join the R.B.Rs i will show you her profile if you dont know what it is

Yes she can!!!!!!! :)
on January 11, 2013
on January 11, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

what charecter are you from inuyasha?
on January 10, 2013
Its ok I have 2 show u 2 things at school its a surprise
on January 10, 2013
on January 10, 2013
on January 10, 2013

what grade are u in?
what grade are u i n i am in 3rd grade
what grade are u i n i am in 3rd grade
yeah me neither even though u know how old i am XD because weve met in real life XD
on January 09, 2013
on January 09, 2013

thx for following me :)
on January 07, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What type of brony are you?
on January 06, 2013

hi qfeast i am trying to message a friend but it wont let me it just like after it loads it just stays where it was after i pressed send message

well i am using a phone but it just loads then stays there where it was and no error displayed
on January 05, 2013

Hi fluttershy3536! Please tell what browser are you using. Is there any error displayed after you enter the post?
on January 05, 2013
on January 05, 2013

hi fluttershy! how are you doing? do you want to go on a picnic with me and let my pet bunny "Starluna" play with "Angel"? that would be delightful! yay...

i forgot :( i looked at something else, and wondered off into space and forgot! im really forgetful!
on January 23, 2013

on January 23, 2013
on January 03, 2013

Fluttershy3536 asked a question

which is your fav out of the six main ponies? just wonderin gettin a good idea comin on :)
on January 02, 2013

thx for following me :) XD
on January 09, 2013
on January 02, 2013

do u like fluttershy?
just wonderin
just wonderin
on January 06, 2013
on January 01, 2013

Fluttershy3536 asked a question

who is your favorite actor/actress? mine is ashliegh ball which is yours????
on January 01, 2013

midnightshine8 is my bff she told me that she is not coming on qfeast.com
on January 09, 2013

yea but go on her profile i txt messaged her and she called me a shybaby doormat and she is only 8 and i was born in 1999
on January 04, 2013
on January 01, 2013