Fernweh added a new chapter to Fern's OC Info Database

Name: Inoa (means forgotten)
Nicknames: Miss-No-Name/ Ruby
Gender: female
Age: unknown
Race: Sykion
Species: fox/ otter
Info: Leader of the Delerune Unit, which is part of the Carbon Raiders. (who are ex-Remedy Alliance affiliates that bootleg their technology to raid other planets) After an incident in the Remedy Alliance's HQ, Inoa was exiled into the void in the Octer Region (which is a particular spot on the planet that never sees sunlight) Months later she managed to escape but her mind ... Read Full Chapter
Nicknames: Miss-No-Name/ Ruby
Gender: female
Age: unknown
Race: Sykion
Species: fox/ otter
Info: Leader of the Delerune Unit, which is part of the Carbon Raiders. (who are ex-Remedy Alliance affiliates that bootleg their technology to raid other planets) After an incident in the Remedy Alliance's HQ, Inoa was exiled into the void in the Octer Region (which is a particular spot on the planet that never sees sunlight) Months later she managed to escape but her mind ... Read Full Chapter
on January 30, 2018

Fernweh added a new chapter to Fern's OC Info Database

Name: Liviana Davvis
Nicknames: Liv, Agent 401
Gender: female
Age: 14
Race: Sykion
Species: telomian (dog breed)
Info: sneaky and loves knowing things, media and gadget wiz, knows all the gossip that is going around, never takes her helmet off, only listens to people of her choosing, secretly an agent for RUNE (fetches info for them), loves the snow and anything orange flavored
Past: Liv was born and raised on the Carbon islands as a restaurant owner's daughter. In the center of the trading ... Read Full Chapter
Nicknames: Liv, Agent 401
Gender: female
Age: 14
Race: Sykion
Species: telomian (dog breed)
Info: sneaky and loves knowing things, media and gadget wiz, knows all the gossip that is going around, never takes her helmet off, only listens to people of her choosing, secretly an agent for RUNE (fetches info for them), loves the snow and anything orange flavored
Past: Liv was born and raised on the Carbon islands as a restaurant owner's daughter. In the center of the trading ... Read Full Chapter
on January 30, 2018

Fernweh added a new chapter to Fern's OC Info Database

Name: Myniah
Age: 12
DOB: 7/ 11/ 3934
Gender: female
Species: desert cat
Race: Sykion
Residence: Qevena, Ulonia Region
Affiliation: Princess
Info: As Qevena is a fairly new kingdom, Myniah while be the third generation to rule its throne. Qevena is a kingdom of magic (as Reverence is to weaponry). Myniah's tail acts as a magician's staff and it is used to protect herself if needed. She studies in the art of herb magic. The type that makes plants grow and to heal minor wounds. She loves to gar... Read Full Chapter
Age: 12
DOB: 7/ 11/ 3934
Gender: female
Species: desert cat
Race: Sykion
Residence: Qevena, Ulonia Region
Affiliation: Princess
Info: As Qevena is a fairly new kingdom, Myniah while be the third generation to rule its throne. Qevena is a kingdom of magic (as Reverence is to weaponry). Myniah's tail acts as a magician's staff and it is used to protect herself if needed. She studies in the art of herb magic. The type that makes plants grow and to heal minor wounds. She loves to gar... Read Full Chapter
on January 30, 2018

Fernweh added a new chapter to Fern's OC Info Database

Name: Fyn Xavier
Age: 34
Gender: female
Species: lynx
Personality: cunning and intelligent while kinda(very) manipulative, has a hard time following order from "almost" anyone, very professional
Info: works for the R.U.N.E. organization and is one of the main officials. A tech and bio wiz. Loves fancy dresses and dressing up. Likes to make a big impression. Loud and clear voice (kinda like a British accent maybe). Main component in the SykiGen Project. (where they created Sykions for an army ... Read Full Chapter
Age: 34
Gender: female
Species: lynx
Personality: cunning and intelligent while kinda(very) manipulative, has a hard time following order from "almost" anyone, very professional
Info: works for the R.U.N.E. organization and is one of the main officials. A tech and bio wiz. Loves fancy dresses and dressing up. Likes to make a big impression. Loud and clear voice (kinda like a British accent maybe). Main component in the SykiGen Project. (where they created Sykions for an army ... Read Full Chapter
on January 30, 2018

Fernweh added a new chapter to Fern's OC Info Database

Name: Raze Clock
Age: unknown
Gender: female
Species: complex hybrid
Info: loves being loud and trying new things/ wants to party and plays in a rock band (drums)/ shellfish is the bomb/ uses a lot of slang words/ has a twin brother/ has very destructive powers that she doesn't like to talk about or use
Past: was created in a lab that was sponsored by R.U.N.E. The reason for their creation was to create emotional/ disposable soldiers to help aid in their awaiting fight against the Neyatene ... Read Full Chapter
Age: unknown
Gender: female
Species: complex hybrid
Info: loves being loud and trying new things/ wants to party and plays in a rock band (drums)/ shellfish is the bomb/ uses a lot of slang words/ has a twin brother/ has very destructive powers that she doesn't like to talk about or use
Past: was created in a lab that was sponsored by R.U.N.E. The reason for their creation was to create emotional/ disposable soldiers to help aid in their awaiting fight against the Neyatene ... Read Full Chapter
on January 30, 2018

Fernweh added a new chapter to Fern's OC Info Database

Name: Carter
Nickname: Ghost
Age: 24
Gender: male
Info: SHORT. Little pudgy but very active. Tries to be serious but has a very sensitive funny bone. *he tries very hard to not laugh at times* He has the ability to regenerate(?) Basically if his heart stops beating, his body will change its physical appearance. Something changing species but never change age. He ages normally and remains the same age after he regenerate. This has happened twice so far. The only thing staying the same is his f... Read Full Chapter
Nickname: Ghost
Age: 24
Gender: male
Info: SHORT. Little pudgy but very active. Tries to be serious but has a very sensitive funny bone. *he tries very hard to not laugh at times* He has the ability to regenerate(?) Basically if his heart stops beating, his body will change its physical appearance. Something changing species but never change age. He ages normally and remains the same age after he regenerate. This has happened twice so far. The only thing staying the same is his f... Read Full Chapter
on January 30, 2018

Fernweh added a new chapter to Fern's OC Info Database

Name: Day
Age: 19
Gender: male
Species: complex hybrid
Info: really sweet and soft spoken (you can barely hear him sometimes). Has healing abilities that he uses to heal others and is very difficult to heal himself. He is the medicine man on Carter's ship, The Jasker. And Carter has a hard time hearing Day, not because of Day's soft voice but because Carter has lost his hearing in his right ear in an accident. So Day is part of the Jasker's crew, and they help refugees and deliver supplies an... Read Full Chapter
Age: 19
Gender: male
Species: complex hybrid
Info: really sweet and soft spoken (you can barely hear him sometimes). Has healing abilities that he uses to heal others and is very difficult to heal himself. He is the medicine man on Carter's ship, The Jasker. And Carter has a hard time hearing Day, not because of Day's soft voice but because Carter has lost his hearing in his right ear in an accident. So Day is part of the Jasker's crew, and they help refugees and deliver supplies an... Read Full Chapter
on January 30, 2018

Name: Hesper
Nickname: Hes
Age: 19
Gender: nonbinary (them/ they)
Appearance: tall and lanky with pale skin/ black hair with blue hues/ crooked smile and small nose/ wears a muffler and a thick parka, fishing boots and jeans/ always wears a pair of goggles
Personality: quiet and observant but manages to get a few snarky remarks. has a bit of a temper when they feel "out of control" of a situation and can lead to them as coming off rude. in the end they are trying to do what they See More think is best, even if no one likes their ideas
More Info about them: living in one of the Shallow Villages, Hes is from a family of fishermen and grew up in the shadow of the Wall and basically the war front.
They are a cyclops (one eye) and hence the reason why thy always wear their goggles.
Nickname: Hes
Age: 19
Gender: nonbinary (them/ they)
Appearance: tall and lanky with pale skin/ black hair with blue hues/ crooked smile and small nose/ wears a muffler and a thick parka, fishing boots and jeans/ always wears a pair of goggles
Personality: quiet and observant but manages to get a few snarky remarks. has a bit of a temper when they feel "out of control" of a situation and can lead to them as coming off rude. in the end they are trying to do what they See More think is best, even if no one likes their ideas
More Info about them: living in one of the Shallow Villages, Hes is from a family of fishermen and grew up in the shadow of the Wall and basically the war front.
They are a cyclops (one eye) and hence the reason why thy always wear their goggles.
on January 26, 2018

Okay NO MORE CHARACTERS XD or it'll get way too confusing! Since the Talk Room here on the page is an awful way to communicate, everyone is required to use Private Messaging for the group and story purposes. ^^' If you have any questions please message me!
on January 26, 2018

THANK YOU everyone! We have enough characters to get started!
PLease @roger.the.boi @Hyperthehedgehog @Queen_Miku go to the "Talk Room" on this page to discuss the story! ^^
@ABgaminggirl & @SpinnerFTW that includes you!
PLease @roger.the.boi @Hyperthehedgehog @Queen_Miku go to the "Talk Room" on this page to discuss the story! ^^
@ABgaminggirl & @SpinnerFTW that includes you!
on January 25, 2018

on January 25, 2018

:_Character Form Sheet_:
Personality: See More
More Info about them:
Personality: See More
More Info about them:
on January 24, 2018

I need three characters at the moment for this story. Like I said in my poll. It will be a collaborative story. The collaboration will most likely take part in DMs to keep everything discreet until each part of the story is published. I will need original characters, you can use already existing oc's if you like but they will have to be from this world that the story is based in. This is still a work in progress and anyone who is part of the story can add their own input.

How about this?
Name: Zinnia Charlie/Charlotte Fritz
Gender female Fe/Male Male
Sorry its so short, but i am preparing to become a new kid and too take a acting audition
Name: Zinnia Charlie/Charlotte Fritz
Gender female Fe/Male Male
Sorry its so short, but i am preparing to become a new kid and too take a acting audition
on January 26, 2018

Any gender is welcome! And I was thinking about having the people being humans but I am open to other options @SillySantaSausage
on January 24, 2018
on January 24, 2018

:_Plot Info_:
The Splitting War happened and caused the land and sea to become extremely secluded. A terrible darkness took over the land, causing it to be extremely radioactive/ poisoning to live on, and everyone was left to flee to the safety of the sea. Having a huge wall constructed to keep out the radiation and to keep people from entering. There are several types of settlements in the Sea Regions. In the depths there are whole cities underwater (ex: Bioshock) and in the See More shallows there are towns and villages built on stilts basically. The basic way to communicate from a long distance is sound/ radio waves. One day, one of the characters gets a transmission...a distress signal that is coming from the other side of the wall.
The Splitting War happened and caused the land and sea to become extremely secluded. A terrible darkness took over the land, causing it to be extremely radioactive/ poisoning to live on, and everyone was left to flee to the safety of the sea. Having a huge wall constructed to keep out the radiation and to keep people from entering. There are several types of settlements in the Sea Regions. In the depths there are whole cities underwater (ex: Bioshock) and in the See More shallows there are towns and villages built on stilts basically. The basic way to communicate from a long distance is sound/ radio waves. One day, one of the characters gets a transmission...a distress signal that is coming from the other side of the wall.
on January 24, 2018