
Name: Liviana Davvis
Nicknames: Liv, Agent 401
Gender: female
Age: 14
Race: Sykion
Species: telomian (dog breed)
Info: sneaky and loves knowing things, media and gadget wiz, knows all the gossip that is going around, never takes her helmet off, only listens to people of her choosing, secretly an agent for RUNE (fetches info for them), loves the snow and anything orange flavored
Past: Liv was born and raised on the Carbon islands as a restaurant owner's daughter. In the center of the trading capitol of the world, Liv's life was always exciting and busy. She had an older brother, (adopted though) who was a fighter in the Mvion Arena there on the island. He was good and it helped the family with extra cash. One night, her brother (Dimitri) was challenged by a local gang member. The fight was close but in the end, Dimi won. But this put a bad reputation on the gang and they had to get revenge on the fighter. So one of them followed him home one night and attacked. Thankfully his parents jumped in to defend their son. This only caused it to become worse, they raided their home. In the middle of all of this Liv hid. When everything went quiet, she stepped out of hiding to find the house empty except for Dimi. She went to him and asked if he was okay and where were their parents. He acted confused and stated that he didn't know who she was or where he was. This is because the gang was known for their ability to cause amnesia on their victims to make a clean getaway. Some of their victims only forget a few hours, some forget several years. This is what happened to Dimi. Then Liv ran out of their home to see if her parents were anywhere in sight, but she found nothing. She searched for hours and asked as many people as she could. No one knew. But when she returned home, Dimi was gone. She didn't know what to do but later that day she searched again, and strangely enough someone found her. A lady lynx, saw her distraught state and asked her what the matter was. Liv explained and the lady offered Liv to come with her, so she could help and protect her. The lynx's name was Fyn. Fyn worked for RUNE and offered Liv an apprenticeship when Liv showed attributes in the technological field. At first Liv turned down the offer, but Fyn told her that it would help find her parents. So Liv agreed. That was 6 years ago. She now helps receive intel for RUNE and that gives her the advantage to technology and chips to find her parents and brother. She found Dimi after the first 3 years and tried to confront him once with no success. So now she just keeps an eye on him and helps him while remaining unseen.
-Her helmet shows her multiple screens of surrounding devices and can tune into radio-waves, and provides a GPS
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