
Nicknames: Miss-No-Name/ Ruby
Gender: female
Age: unknown
Race: Sykion
Species: fox/ otter
Info: Leader of the Delerune Unit, which is part of the Carbon Raiders. (who are ex-Remedy Alliance affiliates that bootleg their technology to raid other planets) After an incident in the Remedy Alliance's HQ, Inoa was exiled into the void in the Octer Region (which is a particular spot on the planet that never sees sunlight) Months later she managed to escape but her mind was not intact afterwards. Ever since then she has been seeing/ hearing the spirits that died in the void, some following her around are friendly but most of them are evil and full of pure rage. This can cause her to go berserk since their energy is very influential on her. A while after returning to the Carbon Region, she found the Raiders became a part of their group. Her headstrong will and ability to make fast decisions put her on the spot to become a leader of any unit she compiled together. At the time she was able to find a tech and fighter to join her team. Them being Liv and Raze. Later, on a mission on the Delerune planet they discovered a small sykion base there that had first formed almost five-hundred years ago. (when they first made contact with the neyatene race and their technologies) The sykions there were very different than their original. Coloration of their bodies seemed to be a lot paler and almost blue-ish, due to being so far from the sun pigmentation seemed to have lacked and many showed signs of vitiligo. Another difference was their size. Their average height was 5-7 feet compared to the normal 3-5. This is where Inoa found her other team member. Poina, was the perfect person to fill the medic role of the unit. As a group, they raid active and vacant planets alike to bring back to Sykia for various reasons.
Delerune Unit
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