
Nickname: Ghost
Age: 24
Gender: male
Info: SHORT. Little pudgy but very active. Tries to be serious but has a very sensitive funny bone. *he tries very hard to not laugh at times* He has the ability to regenerate(?) Basically if his heart stops beating, his body will change its physical appearance. Something changing species but never change age. He ages normally and remains the same age after he regenerate. This has happened twice so far. The only thing staying the same is his fur and eye color and as well as his voice. *Also, he cannot heal or anything.
Past: Carter was born to a nomadic family who always stayed close by the shores in Briarsain. He was a lizard at first, but when he was 7 him and his parents were in an accident where he fell into frigid water and drown. He later woke up on the Ulonian coastline as a tenrec. He tried going back to his family but was not able to find them. A farmer that worked for the Reverence Kingdom took him in, and then later on Carter became a knight for helping rescue several families from a major fire. By this time he was 17, one of the youngest knights at the time. Then later Fable joining the force at the age of 14. But some of the elder knights had a strange dislike towards Carter. In which he figured it was for his age and that he didn't qualify for knighthood like they all have. Gaining this status so easily. They teased him and made his job a lot harder at times. Then during a night out, one of the elder knights were a little drunk and got into a heated argument with Carter and pulled a dagger on him. Later that night, he bled to death in one of the alleyways. Then waking up the next morning in a garden that the royal wizard owned. The wizard stated that he found him during a morning walk. This time Carter was now a wolf/ dog. The kind wizard treated his wounds and Carter left. He soon found another place to stay for a while and managed to get his hands on a ship. The crew on board was looking for a new teammate and he soon became their captain after the original disappeared during one of their missions.
Note: he is now deaf in his right ear because of having a shrapnel grenade go off close to his head.
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