
Age: 19
Gender: male
Species: complex hybrid
Info: really sweet and soft spoken (you can barely hear him sometimes). Has healing abilities that he uses to heal others and is very difficult to heal himself. He is the medicine man on Carter's ship, The Jasker. And Carter has a hard time hearing Day, not because of Day's soft voice but because Carter has lost his hearing in his right ear in an accident. So Day is part of the Jasker's crew, and they help refugees and deliver supplies and other "activities" on the side. But as hobbies, Day loves going to Sage's library and reading sappy romance novels. Also his favorite food is strawberries.
Past: Day (along with many, many others) was created in a lab that was sponsored by R.U.N.E. The reason for their creation was to create emotional/ disposable soldiers to help aid in their awaiting fight against the Neyatene race. Each subject was created by a fusion of several different species of Sykion to make the elite soldier. Some to fight or heal. The most favored being the combat skilled. Each being "born" as fully adults but after being created do slowly age. So, if a subject would to show any kind of remorse or sympathy they are labeled Defective and then thoroughly disposed of. But the war came quick and the facility was abandoned, leaving all the subjects to wonder freely.
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