The Splitting Info Page
The whole world was split in half. Land and Water. The land is inhospitable and the sea is a safe haven with a towering wall sectioning off the two. No one is allowed inside the wall...the land is forbidden.
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Can I change my character if so
weapons:axe pistol machete rpg and ak47
More info about keinoa:go into the 4th chapter See More
Backstory:came into some world from a portal
weapons:axe pistol machete rpg and ak47
More info about keinoa:go into the 4th chapter See More
Backstory:came into some world from a portal
on February 11, 2018

Name: Marcus Summers
Nickname: Marco
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short brown spiky hair, blue eyes, rough beard, very toned muscle mass, scar across his cheek. Generally wears his old black hoodie with dark blue trousers.
Personality: Unstable, anger issues, generally comes off as a asshole. He trusts no one, refuses to make friends and prefer "me time" which to him is all the time.
Backstory: Marcus was a young offender. Hes done it all, stealing, vandalism, assault, drug See More dealing and a single case of murder. He'd been to prison but got out after he was a good boy and got out early. After that, he was told to join the SAS by his farther. Which he did. But Marcus was different, he smashed the records for the recruits and dominated the training tests. But it didn't last long as the world went to tell. While unstable and uneasy Marcus keeps his cool in the underwater city, only because he feels he must.
More Info about them: He does own his old sas gear and weapons. His M10 shotgun and M9 pistol. His training keeps him above most in combat but he sucks at being trust worthy.
Nickname: Marco
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short brown spiky hair, blue eyes, rough beard, very toned muscle mass, scar across his cheek. Generally wears his old black hoodie with dark blue trousers.
Personality: Unstable, anger issues, generally comes off as a asshole. He trusts no one, refuses to make friends and prefer "me time" which to him is all the time.
Backstory: Marcus was a young offender. Hes done it all, stealing, vandalism, assault, drug See More dealing and a single case of murder. He'd been to prison but got out after he was a good boy and got out early. After that, he was told to join the SAS by his farther. Which he did. But Marcus was different, he smashed the records for the recruits and dominated the training tests. But it didn't last long as the world went to tell. While unstable and uneasy Marcus keeps his cool in the underwater city, only because he feels he must.
More Info about them: He does own his old sas gear and weapons. His M10 shotgun and M9 pistol. His training keeps him above most in combat but he sucks at being trust worthy.
on January 26, 2018

Name: Hesper
Nickname: Hes
Age: 19
Gender: nonbinary (them/ they)
Appearance: tall and lanky with pale skin/ black hair with blue hues/ crooked smile and small nose/ wears a muffler and a thick parka, fishing boots and jeans/ always wears a pair of goggles
Personality: quiet and observant but manages to get a few snarky remarks. has a bit of a temper when they feel "out of control" of a situation and can lead to them as coming off rude. in the end they are trying to do what they See More think is best, even if no one likes their ideas
More Info about them: living in one of the Shallow Villages, Hes is from a family of fishermen and grew up in the shadow of the Wall and basically the war front.
They are a cyclops (one eye) and hence the reason why thy always wear their goggles.
Nickname: Hes
Age: 19
Gender: nonbinary (them/ they)
Appearance: tall and lanky with pale skin/ black hair with blue hues/ crooked smile and small nose/ wears a muffler and a thick parka, fishing boots and jeans/ always wears a pair of goggles
Personality: quiet and observant but manages to get a few snarky remarks. has a bit of a temper when they feel "out of control" of a situation and can lead to them as coming off rude. in the end they are trying to do what they See More think is best, even if no one likes their ideas
More Info about them: living in one of the Shallow Villages, Hes is from a family of fishermen and grew up in the shadow of the Wall and basically the war front.
They are a cyclops (one eye) and hence the reason why thy always wear their goggles.
on January 26, 2018

Okay NO MORE CHARACTERS XD or it'll get way too confusing! Since the Talk Room here on the page is an awful way to communicate, everyone is required to use Private Messaging for the group and story purposes. ^^' If you have any questions please message me!
on January 26, 2018

Name: Apple
Age: 14
Nicknames: none but sometimes people
Appearance: average height. Long red hair in besides or pony tail. Skinny and wears flannels and ripped jeans. Brown eyes and blushes a lot. And freckles. Light olive skin.
Fears: clowns, and airplanes
Personality: chipper, kind, full of ideas, and independent, grieving
Talents: has an amazing voice and is great at crafts See More
More info: when the world splits her brother and mother where on the other side wich makes her go into grief. She believes it's her fault that her brother and mother are there. Apple hangs out with her friends to pass time. Apples brother is 16 and she lived with her parents and brother. Apple is pretty popular at school. Apple has a very close relationship with her grandmother.
Age: 14
Nicknames: none but sometimes people
Appearance: average height. Long red hair in besides or pony tail. Skinny and wears flannels and ripped jeans. Brown eyes and blushes a lot. And freckles. Light olive skin.
Fears: clowns, and airplanes
Personality: chipper, kind, full of ideas, and independent, grieving
Talents: has an amazing voice and is great at crafts See More
More info: when the world splits her brother and mother where on the other side wich makes her go into grief. She believes it's her fault that her brother and mother are there. Apple hangs out with her friends to pass time. Apples brother is 16 and she lived with her parents and brother. Apple is pretty popular at school. Apple has a very close relationship with her grandmother.
on January 26, 2018

THANK YOU everyone! We have enough characters to get started!
PLease @roger.the.boi @Hyperthehedgehog @Queen_Miku go to the "Talk Room" on this page to discuss the story! ^^
@ABgaminggirl & @SpinnerFTW that includes you!
PLease @roger.the.boi @Hyperthehedgehog @Queen_Miku go to the "Talk Room" on this page to discuss the story! ^^
@ABgaminggirl & @SpinnerFTW that includes you!
on January 25, 2018

You got enough characters already?

It's all good. It's why I asked, knew you only needed a few. Even if you need a support character let me know. I can be flexible. Gl. Looking forward to reading it.
It's all good. It's why I asked, knew you only needed a few. Even if you need a support character let me know. I can be flexible. Gl. Looking forward to reading it.
on January 25, 2018
on January 25, 2018

Name: Lilliane
Nickname(s): Lilli, Lin
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Brunette hair, often in a single braid, with blonde tints; Dark blue eyes; Loves to wear cat ears as decoration (she thinks it makes her look cute). For her clothing... I can't describe it so I'll have to draw it. So, expect a pic from me!
Personality: Most of the time, she's bubbly and optimistic. But there are times when she falls into a helpless state, when faced with her worst fears.
More Info about See More them: Ever since the world was split, Lilliane decided to take lessons in archery, in the hopes that she could learn to defend herself. Now, a few years later, she's an expert with a bow and arrow, and almost never misses her target.
Nickname(s): Lilli, Lin
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Brunette hair, often in a single braid, with blonde tints; Dark blue eyes; Loves to wear cat ears as decoration (she thinks it makes her look cute). For her clothing... I can't describe it so I'll have to draw it. So, expect a pic from me!
Personality: Most of the time, she's bubbly and optimistic. But there are times when she falls into a helpless state, when faced with her worst fears.
More Info about See More them: Ever since the world was split, Lilliane decided to take lessons in archery, in the hopes that she could learn to defend herself. Now, a few years later, she's an expert with a bow and arrow, and almost never misses her target.
on January 25, 2018

:_Character Form Sheet_:
Personality: See More
More Info about them:
Personality: See More
More Info about them:
on January 24, 2018

I need three characters at the moment for this story. Like I said in my poll. It will be a collaborative story. The collaboration will most likely take part in DMs to keep everything discreet until each part of the story is published. I will need original characters, you can use already existing oc's if you like but they will have to be from this world that the story is based in. This is still a work in progress and anyone who is part of the story can add their own input.

How about this?
Name: Zinnia Charlie/Charlotte Fritz
Gender female Fe/Male Male
Sorry its so short, but i am preparing to become a new kid and too take a acting audition
Name: Zinnia Charlie/Charlotte Fritz
Gender female Fe/Male Male
Sorry its so short, but i am preparing to become a new kid and too take a acting audition
on January 26, 2018

Any gender is welcome! And I was thinking about having the people being humans but I am open to other options @SillySantaSausage
on January 24, 2018
on January 24, 2018

:_Plot Info_:
The Splitting War happened and caused the land and sea to become extremely secluded. A terrible darkness took over the land, causing it to be extremely radioactive/ poisoning to live on, and everyone was left to flee to the safety of the sea. Having a huge wall constructed to keep out the radiation and to keep people from entering. There are several types of settlements in the Sea Regions. In the depths there are whole cities underwater (ex: Bioshock) and in the See More shallows there are towns and villages built on stilts basically. The basic way to communicate from a long distance is sound/ radio waves. One day, one of the characters gets a transmission...a distress signal that is coming from the other side of the wall.
The Splitting War happened and caused the land and sea to become extremely secluded. A terrible darkness took over the land, causing it to be extremely radioactive/ poisoning to live on, and everyone was left to flee to the safety of the sea. Having a huge wall constructed to keep out the radiation and to keep people from entering. There are several types of settlements in the Sea Regions. In the depths there are whole cities underwater (ex: Bioshock) and in the See More shallows there are towns and villages built on stilts basically. The basic way to communicate from a long distance is sound/ radio waves. One day, one of the characters gets a transmission...a distress signal that is coming from the other side of the wall.
on January 24, 2018