ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
Camp Half-Blood
I let go of her hand as soon as we solidified and went back into my mortal form.
"You can open your eyes, and sorry about your hand." I said, adding the last bit when I looked at her slightly scorched left hand. It was pink and blistering, so I conjured a ball of cool water and rested it in her hand where it cooled it off. She looked at me, right in the eyes, and I hoped I could keep those death threat images out of them while she was.
"Are you really...?" Her voice trailed off, and... Read Full Chapter
"You can open your eyes, and sorry about your hand." I said, adding the last bit when I looked at her slightly scorched left hand. It was pink and blistering, so I conjured a ball of cool water and rested it in her hand where it cooled it off. She looked at me, right in the eyes, and I hoped I could keep those death threat images out of them while she was.
"Are you really...?" Her voice trailed off, and... Read Full Chapter
on June 18, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
I was awake when Annabeth opened her eyes. They were more grey than I remembered.
"Percy?" She whispered. Her voice sounded like it hadn't been used in millenniums. I hated that it reminded me of how old I really was.
"Yeah." I answered and smiled down at her.
"Did I really die, or was that a dream." She croaked. She tried to sit up but winced from pain, so I helped her.
"You did. I'm sorry. I made a deal with Hades to bring you back to life when I was..." I let my voice... Read Full Chapter
"Percy?" She whispered. Her voice sounded like it hadn't been used in millenniums. I hated that it reminded me of how old I really was.
"Yeah." I answered and smiled down at her.
"Did I really die, or was that a dream." She croaked. She tried to sit up but winced from pain, so I helped her.
"You did. I'm sorry. I made a deal with Hades to bring you back to life when I was..." I let my voice... Read Full Chapter
on June 17, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
Never Forget, Never Surrender
I marked off the 4,362nd tally mark in my book for years at Olympus. I re-wrote on the title of the book to make myself feel better. 'Never Forget, Never Surrender.' Was it my birthday already? Sometimes I forget. Time can do that to you. But sure enough, the date from the back of the book matched. Horray... Birthdays are so boring. No one cars after you reach three thousand, and I was 4,378 today. If anyone did anything, I would laugh. But today was the one day I was looking forwa...
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on June 17, 2014

Umm, hey. I see MJ already knows JeweledOwl

Yeah, IRL BFF, don't worry about our squabbles ;)
on June 17, 2014
on June 17, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
Back on Olympus, it felt wrong to have left Annabeth so abruptly, but I wanted to leave on a happy note before she tried to attack me. Percabeth broke a long time ago, and there was nothing I could do to fix it. I slumped into the corner and focused in on Annabeth again. After a few hours of meaningless events, I fell asleep for the first time in two weeks.
I was headed to Hermes's private 'messenger room'. He said he wanted to show me something, but I was pretty sure i... Read Full Chapter
Back on Olympus, it felt wrong to have left Annabeth so abruptly, but I wanted to leave on a happy note before she tried to attack me. Percabeth broke a long time ago, and there was nothing I could do to fix it. I slumped into the corner and focused in on Annabeth again. After a few hours of meaningless events, I fell asleep for the first time in two weeks.
I was headed to Hermes's private 'messenger room'. He said he wanted to show me something, but I was pretty sure i... Read Full Chapter
on June 17, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
I was frozen in fear. Maybe if I didn't move the spiders wouldn't see me. I snapped out of it when I saw a huge wooden splinter about the size of a spear swinging towards me. I screamed and stared at it, horrified, until I felt something really hot on my back. I was about to turn around to look when a hand clamped over my eyes and the arm attached to it turned me sideways so the wood would have to go through him before it got to me. The warmth cooled down and I heard the sound of ripping...
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on June 17, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
Two Years Later
I wandered aimlessly into the rankings room and turned on the board. I didn't even know how long it had been, all I knew was that I was not going to forget Annabeth, so I checked up on her every day. She always left her sink running so I could use that as a sort of way to watch her. (Don't ask how.) It may sound stalker-ish, but what was I supposed to do about that. I needed to see her, but I couldn't physically be with her. On the screen the list popped up. This was the first time I h...
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on June 17, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
Wine Dude
We reappeared in the hallway we had been going down, and Apollo held me behind while he peaked around the corner. His hand was really hot, but it didn't burn me. God of the sun thing, I guess. He let go and we walked further into the huge room that he had been in before, which didn't seem as huge now because I was somewhere around twenty feet tall.
"So, what do I do now?" I asked knowing that I wouldn't get a straight answer. Gods never say exactly what they mean. I made a mental not... Read Full Chapter
"So, what do I do now?" I asked knowing that I wouldn't get a straight answer. Gods never say exactly what they mean. I made a mental not... Read Full Chapter
on June 17, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
We were at the edge of the ocean shore, and it was beautiful. The sun was a few hours from setting, and it was calm with a bit of sea breeze.
"Tyson awaits. I con't breathe underwater, and drowning hurts. So does the pressure under there, so you're on your own." Apollo said, and he gave me a shove towards the water. I stumbled towards the water, then caught my balance and waded into the water.
It took about half an hour to reach Poseidon's palace, and I was almost immediately sh... Read Full Chapter
"Tyson awaits. I con't breathe underwater, and drowning hurts. So does the pressure under there, so you're on your own." Apollo said, and he gave me a shove towards the water. I stumbled towards the water, then caught my balance and waded into the water.
It took about half an hour to reach Poseidon's palace, and I was almost immediately sh... Read Full Chapter
on June 17, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
Enchilada Boy
We were in a sort of forest now, one that I recognized from camp. We were by Zeus's Fist, and Grover was sitting at the bottom of it on the rock that used to hide a secret passage way to the Labyrinth. His girlfriend Juniper was sitting next to him and they were talking seriously about something. Probably arguing about my supposed death. I heard my name and the word 'dead' really close together in a sentence and had to hold myself back before I screamed. I took a deep breath and walked u...
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on June 17, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
Blue Cookies
We appeared outside my mom's apartment door. Apollo made an over-dramatic hand gesture for me to enter, so I swooped down and grabbed the spare key we always kept under the rug. I fit it in the lock and opened the door slowly.
"Mom?" I called into the quiet house. I walked in, followed by Apollo, and found my mother on the sofa in the small living room with her boyfriend Paul Blofis. She was crying on his shoulder and didn't seem to notice the gods walk into the room. (Wow that was w... Read Full Chapter
"Mom?" I called into the quiet house. I walked in, followed by Apollo, and found my mother on the sofa in the small living room with her boyfriend Paul Blofis. She was crying on his shoulder and didn't seem to notice the gods walk into the room. (Wow that was w... Read Full Chapter
on June 17, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
The Hunters
I found myself with Apollo at the top of a grassy hill with large silvery tents I know as belonging to Artemis's Hunters. Why I was here, I don't know, because surely he'd take me to Tyson or Grover before Thalia. He walked me to the edge of the largest tent and held me to the side.
"I'll get her out." He whispered and walked in. I could just hear him calling all the girls in there sweetheart and honey, but I could definitely hear Artemis shouting at him. He came out a minute later wi... Read Full Chapter
"I'll get her out." He whispered and walked in. I could just hear him calling all the girls in there sweetheart and honey, but I could definitely hear Artemis shouting at him. He came out a minute later wi... Read Full Chapter
on June 17, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
The Ghost King
I walked out of the cabin slightly dazed and really happy. Apollo took one look at me and laughed a little.
"I'm guessing it didn't go too well?" He asked wiping some ichor off my face. I slapped his hand away and grinned,
"Better than I thought it would." I said, referring to the kiss, but he wouldn't know that. He pat me on the back and pointed towards the canoe lake by the shore.
"Want to go clean off before we see anyone else? That shoulder looks like it hurts." He said, a... Read Full Chapter
"I'm guessing it didn't go too well?" He asked wiping some ichor off my face. I slapped his hand away and grinned,
"Better than I thought it would." I said, referring to the kiss, but he wouldn't know that. He pat me on the back and pointed towards the canoe lake by the shore.
"Want to go clean off before we see anyone else? That shoulder looks like it hurts." He said, a... Read Full Chapter
on June 16, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
Those Dam Goodbyes
I held my breath as I was thrown about in the current. I couldn't help but be reminded of my strange bath in the river Styx, except this time, there was nothing to keep me bound to mortality. I could feel energy surging through my body like the pool was actually liquid adrenalin, and I was drowning in it. I was being tossed and thrown around in circles under the surface that wouldn't let me come up for air. I fought against myself, but soon the burning sensation in my lungs was too great ...
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on June 16, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to Camp Half-Blood
Chapter 5: The Aphrodites
I make my way to the door and open it slowly to see a gang of girly-girls wearing pink, pink, and light red (pink) doing their hair and makeup for what doesn't look for the first time. They all look at me as I walk in, then decide I don't matter and get back to their stuff. I throw my bag on the floor by the door but keep my quiver on me. A girl that looks almost like an exact replica of what Aphrodite must look like walks up to me. She is at least five inches taller than me and so pretty...
Read Full Chapter
on April 25, 2014

created a
Camp Half Blood (3) Survivor! (APOLLO)
on April 21, 2014