ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to The Mysterious Hero
The Silver Stag
All of these big people hugging me was scaring me. I wasn't used to being loved so much because I only had one parent. My mom had gone away when I was a baby. My dad said that she didn't want me and hated that I was alive, so she left. I didn't want to believe him, so I ran away. I found this place by following a constellation that appeared in the sky when I was younger. I watched it go into the sky, so I use it as a good luck charm. It is a hunter, so I follow it's arrow. I... Read Full Chapter
All of these big people hugging me was scaring me. I wasn't used to being loved so much because I only had one parent. My mom had gone away when I was a baby. My dad said that she didn't want me and hated that I was alive, so she left. I didn't want to believe him, so I ran away. I found this place by following a constellation that appeared in the sky when I was younger. I watched it go into the sky, so I use it as a good luck charm. It is a hunter, so I follow it's arrow. I... Read Full Chapter
on June 26, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to Percy Jackson-Leo's Return.
Annabeth is Back (sort of)
I was freezing. Usually I didn't stay year-round at Camp, but I had to stay with my friends. It was winter and even the weather proof dome couldn't keep out the cold. I was sitting by the camp fire after dinner talking about the pearls to Leo. Annabeth wasn't there; she was too busy getting re-programmed by the other Athena kids.
Leo was shivering despite his jacket, and it occurred to me that he probably hadn't changed or had a shower in a long time.
"Do you want some new clothes? ... Read Full Chapter
Leo was shivering despite his jacket, and it occurred to me that he probably hadn't changed or had a shower in a long time.
"Do you want some new clothes? ... Read Full Chapter
on June 25, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to Percy Jackson-Leo's Return.
Poseidon's Pearls
I didn't see how it could get any more awkward, looking for a stupid Annabeth with a buff Leo and all, but it did. We ran into Jason and Piper, literally, and almost knocked each other to the floor. Leo immediately recognized them and turned away from them, using his hood to shield his face from them. Piper, even though she didn't know who he was, was curious about the person standing next to me trying not to be seen.
"Turn around." She charmspoke lightly at Leo, so as to not make e... Read Full Chapter
"Turn around." She charmspoke lightly at Leo, so as to not make e... Read Full Chapter
on June 25, 2014

Hey! Go to this link: http://www.qfeast.com/page/1/Qfeast-News and join the protests of the 50 chapter story limit! (please!) Also spread the word.

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on June 24, 2014
on June 24, 2014

Check out my new page! It's all about fandoms and fangirling! :3 https://www.qfeast.com/page/FITKsD/Fangirls-Assemble-The-Ultimate-Fangirls-Experience
on June 24, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to Percy Jackson-Leo's Return.
Bunker 9
Annabeth still hadn't moved by dark, and I was getting worried. I wasn't sure what time it was, but the moon was high enough to know that it was at least midnight. Leo had baled after the sun had set, and decided to sleep in Bunker 9. Annabeth hadn't moved at all, which looked really unnatural. She moved when she slept, and I felt like a stalker knowing that information. It wasn't me who decided she should sleep in my cabin.
I was laying on the floor when the moon was setting and the ... Read Full Chapter
I was laying on the floor when the moon was setting and the ... Read Full Chapter
on June 24, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to Percy Jackson-Leo's Return.
The Quest
When he took off his jacket, I saw why he kept it on.
"Dude." I said, "Nico would jump you." I laughed, but he didn't.
"Good thing he's not here then." He said monotone.
"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine." I muttered. I know he heard, but it was like all the emotion had been sucked out of him. He kept a straight face no matter what, like he had no will to be happy. I guess that's what 'Broken' means.
"And, hey." I pressed on, even though I could tell I was being annoying... Read Full Chapter
"Dude." I said, "Nico would jump you." I laughed, but he didn't.
"Good thing he's not here then." He said monotone.
"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine." I muttered. I know he heard, but it was like all the emotion had been sucked out of him. He kept a straight face no matter what, like he had no will to be happy. I guess that's what 'Broken' means.
"And, hey." I pressed on, even though I could tell I was being annoying... Read Full Chapter
on June 23, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to Percy Jackson-Leo's Return.
The Broken Joker
I was still awake when the sun came up, then when Annabeth did. The events weren't too far apart.
"You should be asleep." She chided me.
"I wasn't tired." I used as a weak counterattack. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her clothes. She slipped on her shoes so her heels were sticking out of them and ran out the door towards the Athena cabin. I wished we'd talked more.
I quickly slipped on an orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and some jeans and tennis shoes (almost exactly what Anna... Read Full Chapter
"You should be asleep." She chided me.
"I wasn't tired." I used as a weak counterattack. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her clothes. She slipped on her shoes so her heels were sticking out of them and ran out the door towards the Athena cabin. I wished we'd talked more.
I quickly slipped on an orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and some jeans and tennis shoes (almost exactly what Anna... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
The Fates
I hung from one hand over the boiling pit of Tartarus, holding onto Annabeth with the other. It's been a while since I feared for my life. I knew if I moved, my ledge would crumble and fall, and I'd take down Annabeth with me. That wasn't an option.
"I need you to trust me." I said to Annabeth over the bubbling sound of shouts and magma, "on the count of three, I'm going to swing you out of the pit, so I need you to push with one hand and let go of me when you're over the side."
"I'... Read Full Chapter
"I need you to trust me." I said to Annabeth over the bubbling sound of shouts and magma, "on the count of three, I'm going to swing you out of the pit, so I need you to push with one hand and let go of me when you're over the side."
"I'... Read Full Chapter
on June 20, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
As we fought, the Titans kept moving backwards, usually a sign of struggling, but they were backing towards Tartarus. I knew it was a trap, and I'm sure Annabeth did too. But what choice did we have? We fought on until we were so close to the pit that I was surprised we weren't being sucked in. Then I realized that somehow, the Titans had done this on purpose, so they could throw us in and not get pulled back in themselves. Smart. Too bad they wouldn't be trapping gods. I ha... Read Full Chapter
As we fought, the Titans kept moving backwards, usually a sign of struggling, but they were backing towards Tartarus. I knew it was a trap, and I'm sure Annabeth did too. But what choice did we have? We fought on until we were so close to the pit that I was surprised we weren't being sucked in. Then I realized that somehow, the Titans had done this on purpose, so they could throw us in and not get pulled back in themselves. Smart. Too bad they wouldn't be trapping gods. I ha... Read Full Chapter
on June 20, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
The Titans
Life was better knowing that I would always have Percy by my side. That is, until the third Titan war. I was only a minor goddess, and I was doing more to help the demigods than all of the Olympians combined. Percy tried to do something, this was the second time he had been in a Titan war with me, but no one else listened. I guess after three wars, they got tired. Even Ares looked like he wanted to give up. I couldn't let that happen.
I had let Percy know my worries, and he got me up... Read Full Chapter
I had let Percy know my worries, and he got me up... Read Full Chapter
on June 20, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
This would be a happy ending, perfect place to stop the show,
For Percabeth was after all, at the best it'd ever go
But I'm sure the mortal families, battles, quests, have crossed your mind.
Just read on and see what the gods and the Titans have to find
For when you think the story's over, well, it mostly never is
There's not always 'happy endings', but for love there always is
This is what you mortal minds surely try to think
But this is not... Read Full Chapter
This would be a happy ending, perfect place to stop the show,
For Percabeth was after all, at the best it'd ever go
But I'm sure the mortal families, battles, quests, have crossed your mind.
Just read on and see what the gods and the Titans have to find
For when you think the story's over, well, it mostly never is
There's not always 'happy endings', but for love there always is
This is what you mortal minds surely try to think
But this is not... Read Full Chapter
on June 20, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
All eyes were on me. I glanced behind me to see Percy giving me an encouraging smile, and I knew him well enough to know it was real. I turned back to Aphrodite and held my breath and nodded slowly. My heart was beating so hard I was sure everyone could hear it. I sucked in a shaky breath and hoped no one could see how terrified I was.
Percy stepped forwards and offered me his hand, but nobody spoke. I took Percy's hand and found myself instantly transported into a s... Read Full Chapter
All eyes were on me. I glanced behind me to see Percy giving me an encouraging smile, and I knew him well enough to know it was real. I turned back to Aphrodite and held my breath and nodded slowly. My heart was beating so hard I was sure everyone could hear it. I sucked in a shaky breath and hoped no one could see how terrified I was.
Percy stepped forwards and offered me his hand, but nobody spoke. I took Percy's hand and found myself instantly transported into a s... Read Full Chapter
on June 20, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
The Surprise
It felt like only a few seconds, though I know better than to believe it was, before we left the atmospherically dark room. Aphrodite had come to get us with Artemis. She still looked like she wanted to shoot someone.
"There's something you two might want to hear." Artemis announced because Aphrodite was too bust squealing and giggling. She looked like she should be in the form of a three year old. I gave Annabeth a suspicious look and we followed the goddesses out to the main hall. ... Read Full Chapter
"There's something you two might want to hear." Artemis announced because Aphrodite was too bust squealing and giggling. She looked like she should be in the form of a three year old. I gave Annabeth a suspicious look and we followed the goddesses out to the main hall. ... Read Full Chapter
on June 20, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to Percy Jackson- The Seven at School
Monday: 2nd Section
Me: *Follows and spies on the Seven* *Steals a spring Leo dropped*
Language Arts:
Annabeth: *Meaningless brainiac chatter*
Me: *listening intently*
Teacher: Today we will be starting a blog where you write about your favorite book or movie.
Percy: Yeah?
Annabeth: The book, Seaweed Brain.
Percy: Good. The movie was weird.
Hazel: Cool. Whats a movie?
Frank: Seriously?
Leo: Shut up dude.
Piper: Yeah, *charmspeak* Shut up dude.
Frank: .........
Piper: *smil... Read Full Chapter
Me: *Follows and spies on the Seven* *Steals a spring Leo dropped*
Language Arts:
Annabeth: *Meaningless brainiac chatter*
Me: *listening intently*
Teacher: Today we will be starting a blog where you write about your favorite book or movie.
Percy: Yeah?
Annabeth: The book, Seaweed Brain.
Percy: Good. The movie was weird.
Hazel: Cool. Whats a movie?
Frank: Seriously?
Leo: Shut up dude.
Piper: Yeah, *charmspeak* Shut up dude.
Frank: .........
Piper: *smil... Read Full Chapter
on June 18, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
Annabeth at Olympus
I was the happiest I'd been in eons as I led Annabeth into the elevator to Olympus. I had learned that if I looked 17, people would think she was my mom, so now I was 25. I refused to go any older. I let her in the elevator first and when we reached the top, she stopped me.
"Percy. Just a random question. I don't know why I haven't asked before, or why you've never told me, but are you an Olympian?" She asked. I didn't know where that question came from, but I did figure it might ha... Read Full Chapter
"Percy. Just a random question. I don't know why I haven't asked before, or why you've never told me, but are you an Olympian?" She asked. I didn't know where that question came from, but I did figure it might ha... Read Full Chapter
on June 18, 2014

ArtemisMoon91904 added a new chapter to If Percy Jackson said 'yes'
-And so Annabeth grew old and Percy stayed young, and by the time Annabeth was twenty-eight, there were two more kids in the Percy cabin. For Annabeth's thirtieth birthday, Percy asked the Assembly for permission to bring Annabeth up for a day. It was passed, much to the delight of both Aphrodite and Athena. Even Apollo was secretly excited to see his old friend.-
Read Full Chapter
on June 18, 2014