*Sees that I have over 130 now*
on December 20, 2015

it also doesn't help that I now got my hands on Dragon Age Inquisition, which is now my new addiction lol.
on December 20, 2015

WOW, it's been on a long time since I was on here. whoops lol
on December 20, 2015

A certain mc-stalker person is trying to stick his noise into shit on DA that isn't even his concern. Especially when most of us have him blocked. He needs to take the hint and leave people alone, when it's clear he isn't wanted around...
on November 22, 2015

That moment when you find out someone is trying to go at your friends..
on November 14, 2015

Okay, so I wake up to finding out some prick is trying spread rumors about one of my friends, in attempt to start shit again. Whoever the hell is trying to do this to my friend Ke, stop your shit right now. You have an issue with her? Fine, you don't have to like her. But spreading lies about her hitting on someone's BF, that she never even talked to before? Hell no. You stop your shit. I am normally a very chill person here and can be very nice. But when you mess with my friends, See More you are just asking for my mama bear mode to come out and I promise you this. You will NOT like it if that happens >:) So again, leave my friends the hell alone, especially if they haven't done shit to you. Now excuse as I try to calm myself down with some coffee and drawing =A= What a way to start the day JFC...

@KeGrimmDaBitch You have nothing to be sorry for, What's happening to you, is bullshit and not fair. It needs to stop.
on November 14, 2015
on November 14, 2015

yeah no, until this bs drama over undertail stops, I'm gonna be inactive here. I had it up to here seeing people act like little children over a video game character. This is why I am hardly active in any fandom in general :I Excuse me as I go to bed now.
on November 06, 2015

I'm getting so damn annoyed and stressed out with this one person stalking my page, as well as stalking and bugging the people that talk to me about it. They claim they want no stress, drama or to get reported for it, yet they just WON'T STOP. What's so damn hard about leaving me and my friends alone????

@StickerLord someone who comes both on here and DA. I had warned them to stop, but they apparently think I'm stupid and can't tell when they snoop around. They stopped posting lies about me, but they're still snooping and it's annoying me.
on October 20, 2015
on October 20, 2015

I've had it up to here with certain people stalking my DA account AND stalking the people I talk to. Knock it the hell off, you know who you damn are. I catch you again, I will report you.
on October 19, 2015

Sims 3 is an addicting game. That is all *goes to crash and passout in bed*
on October 17, 2015

just gonna say. If you treat your watchers like shit and keep calling them things like c***s and f***wads. Then OF COURSE you're gonna to lose watchers. The world doesn't revolve around you, nor does your watchers revolve around you. If you want them to actually talk to you and be nice to you, then you need to do so in kind. It's frickin' common sense.
on October 10, 2015

Yep. I woke up just to make a post, and might just go back to bed now lol.
on October 09, 2015

I find it both hilarious and a little sad, when I see certain people throw a big ass fit. Over some of their watchers or whoever is online, not dropping everything they're doing to come over and talk/give them attention. Yet they're the ones sitting there, doing NOTHING. Just because you have nothing better to do then sit on your rear in front of the computer screen (or whatever device you use to go online), doesn't mean everyone else does. Plus, YOU could always go to them and See More start up a conversation yourself. MIND BLOWING! http://1.media.dorkly.cvcdn.com/50/27/0d41808f60af8871fa122b3b0f37ab1b.gif
on October 09, 2015

Just going to say this right now. If you're going to falsely report my friends, over your childish butthurt (especially when it was YOUR fault to begin with). Then you're not only a coward but I have no respect for you, for stooping that low. You have an issue with me or my friends, then say something.

Yea @qfeast is weird you never know what will happen, I once had them threaten to delete my account and I wasn't even reported
on October 05, 2015

@Parabolic Well, they haven't replied yet to me saying that I was falsely reported so. I know you're trying to help though.
on October 05, 2015

@PopUrCherry There are two people who could have done it and either way it was a low and dirty move.
@xXShivaChanXx I agree with you on whoever reported me. They did it out of spite, not because I broke rules.
@Parabolic I did reply to their PM but they are probs not going to reply back. I don't think they'd tell me who reported me or why anyway. But I do thank See More you for the suggestion.
@xXShivaChanXx I agree with you on whoever reported me. They did it out of spite, not because I broke rules.
@Parabolic I did reply to their PM but they are probs not going to reply back. I don't think they'd tell me who reported me or why anyway. But I do thank See More you for the suggestion.
on October 05, 2015

@PopUrCherry Yeah :/ Well it anything, to shows that it isn't us that's starting shit. It's other people.
on October 05, 2015
on October 04, 2015

Not saying who, but lets just say tat certain someone who's prone to drama. Is STILL acting like they're being "bullied" and "attacked", when not only is the drama over. But everyone has left them alone. I'm just sitting here at this point like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFZrzg62Zj0

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on October 04, 2015