lmao well that was indeed a laugh. anyways, going to sleep peoples, night~!
And remember, kiddies. Don't be a fanbrat. No one likes a fanbart C:
And remember, kiddies. Don't be a fanbrat. No one likes a fanbart C:
on October 03, 2015

lol fanbrats in a nutshell C: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8pR1rZZHEs&feature=youtu.be&t=4m6s
Crazy German Kid
Some German kid going crazy in front of the computer. He's having a *little* trouble with his Unreal Tournament game. I hope he had keyboard insurance...
on October 03, 2015

That moment when you see a person threatening to spam someone over stupid shit.
Bruh. It's called Blocking. Your threat is both dumb and pointless C:
Bruh. It's called Blocking. Your threat is both dumb and pointless C:

@xXShivaChanXx They took down the picture in Things you just CAN'T stand page.:( I'm guessing someone got butthurt about it or something.
on October 03, 2015

@xXShivaChanXx Yeah.XD If that is made I can screen cap that and thank all the people who brought me to that point. Like an Oscar.XD
on October 03, 2015

@KeGrimmDaBitch I'm just waiting for the post about how we're the bullies, even though they came at us over it, even though we weren't naming names at all or fandoms. lol. If anything, I can go to be laughing now.
on October 03, 2015

@KeGrimmDaBitch lol dun think I want their weed. Because whatever the hell they be smokin' is clearly some crazy shit lol
on October 03, 2015
on October 03, 2015

It really annoys the living crap outta me, when I have people on tumblr get pissy and unfollow me. Because apparently I MUST be online 24/7 and pumping out drawings just as often! Never mind the fact I made a post on there, explaining how things at home are pretty stressful right now and I'm going through a mini depression. NOPE. I'm not allowed to be a human being or life outside the computer. I swear to god, people on tumblr can be such BRATS sometimes. JFC.
on October 02, 2015

That moment when some asshat tries to accuse your friend of art theft, and their own "proof" contradicts their own claim. https://media.giphy.com/media/b1kgk5tYEwS9W/giphy.gif

@AyatheMagicSwordsman Oh that one. They already gave up and rage quit when their "logic" got shot down lol
on September 30, 2015

@xXShivaChanXx Oh wait- I mean the one they originally caused all this on, I only knew the second on that journal (because I responded) and wasn't paying attention to usernames! fdksgfds
on September 30, 2015

on September 30, 2015

@xXShivaChanXx I don't even know their other account so :b All I know is that they're a dumbass~
on September 30, 2015

@AyatheMagicSwordsman I had them blocked on BOTH of their accounts. And they knew it and still tried to reach me via tag. Which breaks DA's rules~
on September 30, 2015
on September 30, 2015

Whelp nearly flipped a table in rage at the fanmade pokemon game, Pokemon Reborn. Like the game itself is really good and I do enjoy playing it. However at the same time, the battles itself, feels like it's REALLY trying to piss me off. Like literally over 75% of the time, while I'm having endless amounts of turns being wasted from being paralyzed/asleep/confused. The opponent hardly ever loses a turn at all,when they get the status affect on them? Like I am for a challenge in See More a pokemon game, but JFC. There's being a challenge, then there's just throwing fairness out the window, bro :T And don't get me started on how the opponent uses fury swipes and 90% of the time they land all five swipes, and like three of them are crits. I swear this game must hate me lol. Okay I had my vent, now sleep =w=;
on September 27, 2015

Gonna IV breed some Staryus on Pokemon X. If anyone wants one, just let me know. I will be sure to save some with decent natures and abilities for ya ^^
on September 26, 2015

"You Like All That Is Spicy,Hot" NO. I am a wimp when it comes to spicy things like sauce and seasonings xD I wanted the sour cream onion one xD
on September 26, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What Potato Chip Flavor Are You ?
on September 26, 2015

Here, have some cute feels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTMwrAefIVQ

Cutest bear attack ever
Cutest bear attack ever. more cuteness: http://www.trending.nl
on September 26, 2015

Oh my. I was out of town for a bit and I see lots of people have joined and are using the page for what was made for. That makes me happy! Though I have to say, I am sorry for the ones that had to let out some real sad things. I'm sorry things are hard for you people, and I hope things work out for all of you in the end.
on September 26, 2015

Found something cute, hope it makes people feel better http://i.imgur.com/zgc3FnS.gif You cannot escape from a bear hug!
on September 25, 2015

@KeGrimmDaBitch Hey found something that reminded me of you http://whatsappmessages.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/That-moment-when-05.jpg
on September 25, 2015

That moment when you finally finish your work, only to have someone throw more at you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H07zYvkNYL8

on September 25, 2015

I will start things off, with something cute and funny. To help lighten the mood and stuff~ https://media.giphy.com/media/ORqwbWpHxjUEo/giphy.gif
on September 25, 2015

@InTheCosmos @KeGrimmDaBitch @@Miki_DatChocolateCosmo @PopUrCherry Well then xD At least it matches with the ones on my icon lol
on September 24, 2015
And yeah everyone, no one likes fanbrats. Or piss babies.XD