Just Let It Out, Bro
Ever got fed up about something/ someone, and you just need a place to vent that frustration out? Then this page is for you. Or to post something cute/funny, to lighten the mood for others~ Rules: 1. Do NOT tag the person you might be venting about. 2. No vent posts that consist of wanting to kill someone/yourself. (Seriously, if its at that point, then seek professional help) 3. No fighting/bullying/drama on this page. Posts that violate these rules, will be deleted.
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When someone cries out about not being liked when they were in the wrong and you try to make amends but they have you blocked. Well then, so much for them saying "they don't hold grudges"
on February 22, 2016

Annoyed with random people who keep coming to me to seek info about others. hey, i'm not an owl... if you aren't informed then you aren't important obviously.
on January 03, 2016

A certain mc-stalker person is trying to stick his noise into shit on DA that isn't even his concern. Especially when most of us have him blocked. He needs to take the hint and leave people alone, when it's clear he isn't wanted around...
on November 22, 2015

I hate it when I have a dream about an old friend and then wake up and begin to think ablut it. After I wake, I realize what it means then start crying. I always go over my dreams and it has become a habit.
on November 11, 2015

I hate people who whine and claim they are having nightmares about you, because they screwed up the friendship. You were being the impossible creepy one!! GDI!!
on November 08, 2015

While I was getting coffee this morning while at work, someone asked another person if they were gay or not. The person answered no and the person said "That's good." And the person who asked this is a bible thumper and doesn't support gay marriage, etc. Needless to say, it really set me the hell off to the point where I was about to cry. God forbid he should find out that both of my moms are gay themselves and one is transgender. That and the place doesn't allow that kind of See More stuff and doesn't judge people on what their sexuality is. It wasn't any of that persons' business. Therefore, it's not appropriate to ask that.
on October 29, 2015

I'm getting so damn annoyed and stressed out with this one person stalking my page, as well as stalking and bugging the people that talk to me about it. They claim they want no stress, drama or to get reported for it, yet they just WON'T STOP. What's so damn hard about leaving me and my friends alone????

@StickerLord someone who comes both on here and DA. I had warned them to stop, but they apparently think I'm stupid and can't tell when they snoop around. They stopped posting lies about me, but they're still snooping and it's annoying me.
on October 20, 2015
on October 20, 2015

Like seriously, I hate rabid shippers. I get it, you like your ship, but going as far as to deliberately post false "facts" onto a fictional character's wiki and claiming it's the "truth," is just going way too far. Rabid shippers are just so desperate for their ship to happen that they would even create a defense squad and attack anyone who just gives an unpopular opinion.
I'll just say who - this is why I fücking hate Joseph Oda and the JoSeb Ship. Same thing happened as I See More stated above with The Evil Within Wiki, same attacks happened to someone who just posted on Tumblr that they disliked JoSeb. See, this is why we can never have nice things, TEW fangirls.
I'll just say who - this is why I fücking hate Joseph Oda and the JoSeb Ship. Same thing happened as I See More stated above with The Evil Within Wiki, same attacks happened to someone who just posted on Tumblr that they disliked JoSeb. See, this is why we can never have nice things, TEW fangirls.

@KeGrimmDaBitch WOW. Jesus, that sounds more insane than with the TEW Wiki. I can't believe that went on for so long! That's a huge grudge on a creator's choice.
on October 10, 2015

@InTheCosmos I know. It was f#cking crazy when it happened too. I heard about it on tumblr for almost a month or more. And don't get me started on the screen caps of the wiki page that got passed around. So damn many.
on October 10, 2015

@KeGrimmDaBitch OMG, WHY FANGIRLS. THIS is why no can have nice things. >:T Fangirls going too far with the canon and making it way too much to handle. Going as far to rip a character's wiki in half just because of a ship, jfc why. This is why no fandom is safe. 8 (
on October 10, 2015

I know what you mean. Same thing happened on the Homestuck wiki with the character Jane. Just because she ended up on the same planet as another character named Dirk and died, she had to be kissed back to life and was done so by Dirk. When it happened the dirk x Jake fans had a huge bitch fit and wrote slander all over Jane's character page on the wiki. The false See More info got removed, but it still happened.
on October 10, 2015
on October 10, 2015

Not saying who, but lets just say tat certain someone who's prone to drama. Is STILL acting like they're being "bullied" and "attacked", when not only is the drama over. But everyone has left them alone. I'm just sitting here at this point like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFZrzg62Zj0

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on October 04, 2015

It really annoys the living crap outta me, when I have people on tumblr get pissy and unfollow me. Because apparently I MUST be online 24/7 and pumping out drawings just as often! Never mind the fact I made a post on there, explaining how things at home are pretty stressful right now and I'm going through a mini depression. NOPE. I'm not allowed to be a human being or life outside the computer. I swear to god, people on tumblr can be such BRATS sometimes. JFC.
on October 02, 2015

That moment when some asshat tries to accuse your friend of art theft, and their own "proof" contradicts their own claim. https://media.giphy.com/media/b1kgk5tYEwS9W/giphy.gif

@AyatheMagicSwordsman Oh that one. They already gave up and rage quit when their "logic" got shot down lol
on September 30, 2015

@xXShivaChanXx Oh wait- I mean the one they originally caused all this on, I only knew the second on that journal (because I responded) and wasn't paying attention to usernames! fdksgfds
on September 30, 2015

on September 30, 2015

@xXShivaChanXx I don't even know their other account so :b All I know is that they're a dumbass~
on September 30, 2015

@AyatheMagicSwordsman I had them blocked on BOTH of their accounts. And they knew it and still tried to reach me via tag. Which breaks DA's rules~
on September 30, 2015
on September 30, 2015

When someone pushes their coloring book towards you, wanting you to pick and take pages from it when you're busy overseeing an UNO game and you don't want to. Especially if you're someone who absolutely HATES having pages torn out of books, doesn't matter if it's a notebook or coloring book either. I swear, if that said person does it one more time, I'm gonna take the coloring book and shove it somewhere so far up where the sun don't shine! LEAVE ME AND MY FRIENDS ALONE! XC
on September 30, 2015

It's really sad when you know a fictional guy who stalks, kidnaps, and eventually kills women would let you have more freedom than you own family would.
on September 29, 2015

Whelp nearly flipped a table in rage at the fanmade pokemon game, Pokemon Reborn. Like the game itself is really good and I do enjoy playing it. However at the same time, the battles itself, feels like it's REALLY trying to piss me off. Like literally over 75% of the time, while I'm having endless amounts of turns being wasted from being paralyzed/asleep/confused. The opponent hardly ever loses a turn at all,when they get the status affect on them? Like I am for a challenge in See More a pokemon game, but JFC. There's being a challenge, then there's just throwing fairness out the window, bro :T And don't get me started on how the opponent uses fury swipes and 90% of the time they land all five swipes, and like three of them are crits. I swear this game must hate me lol. Okay I had my vent, now sleep =w=;
on September 27, 2015

*sighs* I hate when a person acts innocent when they're really a sick person and constantly have a knife at people's backs, among other things, I hate when these same people use big english words without knowing what they mean. I also hate how every religious "Nazi" uses the devil as a friggin use as a crutch. It royally pisses me off when BOTH these people frame someone for just being with in a few clicks away from them, its an abusive/manipulative behavior that needs to friggin See More be unlearned.
People who also use emotional warfare as their way of controlling situations piss me off as well, those who use false claims of suicide,harm and or mental trauma deserve to be locked in a room with their cellphones,computers taken away.
People who also use emotional warfare as their way of controlling situations piss me off as well, those who use false claims of suicide,harm and or mental trauma deserve to be locked in a room with their cellphones,computers taken away.
on September 27, 2015

►See more at http://distractify.com/ Subscribe for more every day! Did The Just Say That? http://youtu.be/-WNyY2wkI8k Check out Fail Compilations: http://www...
on September 26, 2015

Here, have some cute feels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTMwrAefIVQ

Cutest bear attack ever
Cutest bear attack ever. more cuteness: http://www.trending.nl
on September 26, 2015

lord the customers that come into my work..piccccky and can't freaking understand we need a notice ahead of time! We ain't McDonalds!
on September 26, 2015

I should really let this out. I've been holding this in for so long and I think I need to let it out before I explode. Please bare with me guys. *let's out a loud fart* I feel better now.:3
on September 26, 2015