i'm sick QAQ

-hugs back and whimpers- i don't wanna be ill TTwTT
on November 25, 2015

@TipsyAi *Hugs Tipsy*
on November 25, 2015
on November 25, 2015

i feel like utter shit -lays down- my body hates me..

on November 13, 2015

@ShadowGuardian91 -huggles back- i've been having an ever lasting headache all day since i woke up TTwTT
on November 13, 2015
on November 13, 2015

binge watching horror films <3 I WILL BE UP ALL NIGHT!
on November 10, 2015

ugh..i feel..happy and yet emptyi wanna draw but i have no motivation for it..-sighs-
on October 29, 2015

TipsyAi asked a question
Do you think Reality is real? I remember watching a video from Vsauce about reality. So...
on October 16, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Which slender brother would date you? (Girls)
on October 15, 2015

i already knew this XD i would be a GREAT green lantern..I have one hell of an imagination <3
on October 15, 2015

@ayathemagicswordsman and @shadowgurdian91 thank you..and thank you @Popurcherry <3 i'm feeling better after doing a vent journal on DA..now to go watch disney movies XD
on October 14, 2015

..never in my life..have i ever felt so violated by people on DA..i can't stop crying..
on October 14, 2015

i have yet to sleep..i've been awake..drawing..working on one damn drawing..dear gopd i need help XD
on October 13, 2015

Rock music, techno [and i mean the good stuff..] and ASMR videos..sweet jesus those videos are fun to listen to
on October 13, 2015