What Fruit Are You (1) If You Want To Know What Kind Of Fruit You Are Go Ahead And Do This Quiz LillianBeyNyette published on October 31, 2013 Stacked 1/5 If an elderly person dropped their money what would you do? Help them pick up their money walk away and feel bad afterwards help them but take some for yourself and a gift for helping walk away and not have a care in the world help them and ask them if they need anything else 2/5 If Someone Was Looking At Your Test During An Exam What Would You do? Shout at them and tell them if they look again you would cut out their eyeballs let them cheat off you cover your work turn your table around Tell the Teacher Cheat Off Them 3/5 What is your favourite Fruit? Apple Orange Strawberries Watermelon Blueberry Blackberry 4/5 In your spare time what do you like to do? Stalk People Hang Out With Friends Play In The Park Follow Random Strangers till they feel awkward and look at you Run Around Hitting People 5/5 If Someone asked you for directions what would you do/say? yeah sure i'll show you and take them to their destination sorry i don't know where that is then head in that direction give the person the longer route to their destination give them the directions and carry on with what you are doing Carry On Walking And At Like You Didnt Hear The Person