Chapter 32: School Plan

Instead of me going to school to bring home teens so my family could slaughter, I thought of another plan. I thought maybe Uncle Vorx and Uncle Jeepers Creepers could fly off and grab some people and bring them back here. They can go off and do the "hunting". It sounded like a good plan to me. I wondered what Uncle Pinhead would think of this.
"Uncle Pinhead?", I asked.
"I have another plan."
"Which is?"
"How about Uncle Vorx and Uncle J.C. go off and find some people and bring them back here? It'll be like a hunting spree for them. You know, them getting out and hunting like they use to, because they don't seem to do that anymore."
I saw uncle Pinhead think deep in thought. He walked a normal pace beside me with his hands crossed behind his back in manner. He walked beside me in silence within the next few minutes until he finally spoke.
"I don't think the winged creatures have the energy to fly off and then fly back with humans. They don't have the energy to do anything Ashley. They both haven't fed in a while. That's why we think it's better if you and Glen go off to school and lure people here for a party. That's probably the only thing teenagers are addicted to these days is sexual intercourse, drinking and the usage of drugs."
I nodded my head in agreement. "I understand. So, the plan is, to throw a party at our house while you and the others will go in hiding?"
Uncle Pinhead nodded. "Yes, and when the clock struck midnight, the party will be over."
I nodded my head. "Sounds like a plan."
As Uncle Pinhead and I continued walking in the woods, I thought the plan out in my mind. I pictured myself going to school, meet people and be friends. Then on the second day when I go to school, I will tell my "friends", that I have a party at my house and that their invited. Once school is out, they will follow me home and the party will began, but how was Glen and I going to entertain a house hold of teenagers that we hardly knew? Uncle Pinhead said that teenagers were addicted to partying which meant the sex and the drugs. Maybe I could have Aunt Esther go down to the store and get packs of beer along with bottles of vodka and liquor and maybe a few cartons of cigarettes to boot just in case some of the teens Glen and I invited had smoked.
"Sounds like your already know what you doing Ashley.", Uncle Pinhead smirked.
Damn he read my mind. I forgot he can do that.
"Where exactly are you and the others going to be hiding?", I asked.
"Here, in the woods. I will have Jeepers Creepers and Vorx be on the roof and looking into the windows to keep track of everything that is going on in the house. Vorx will be keeping a eye on the party and Creepers will be keeping an eye on you and Glen just to make sure you two are safe."
I nodded my head. "Alright. Does Glen know about this yet?"
Uncle Pinhead nodded. "I'm sure his parents are discussing the plan with him now."
We walked a little further and came to a stopping point.
"It's getting dark Ashley. Let's return home now."
I nodded my head in agreement and walked back home with Uncle Pinhead. We walked back home in silence and as soon as we reached the house, the tiki torches were lit up from what I saw.
I climbed up the stairs and stepped foot on the porch. Uncle Michael and Uncle Leatherface were seated at the table. They were sitting in silence from the looks of it. I raised my eyebrow in confusion at them.
"You guys ok?", I asked.
Uncle Pinhead walked past me and entered the house as I saw. It was just now me, Uncle Leatherface and Uncle Mike alone. I walked over towards the table and took a seat beside Uncle Leatherface.
"You guys ok?", I asked again.
Uncle Leatherface, turned his head to look at me. Then slowly, nodded his head. I turned to uncle Michael who did the same. Uncle Mike had on his mask and was silent. Uncle Michael stretched out his hand to me. I placed my hand in his and his hand closed over mine. I smiled. Uncle Michael rubbed his thumb over my palm. He rubbed it around in circles and it felt very soothing.
Uncle Leatherface extended his hand out too me also and when I placed my hand in his, he did the same thing that uncle Mike was doing. I smiled at this, but was a little confused as I wondered why they were doing this.
"Are you guys sure your ok? You starting to worry me.", I said the last line with a little laugh.
"We're ok.", Uncle Mike replied. "I just been thinking was all. So has Leatherface."
"Oh. About what?"
"Nothing personal Ash, just man stuff. How was the walk and talk with Pinhead?"
I shrugged and removed my hand from theirs. "It was o.k. We just discussed the school plan was all."
"Ah.", Uncle Michael said, sitting back in his chair. "And do you accept?"
I shrugged my shoulders again. "Well I guess I mean, I have no other choice do I? I'm thinking that it's the least I can do for you guys for all you done for me."
Uncle Leatherface took the moment and patted me on my head like I was a puppy. He must of been honored from what I said and then he suddenly stood up from his chair, leaned down and kissed my head and walked inside the house. Now it was just Uncle Mike and me.
"Wow.", I breathed and then laughed.
I was a little confused for what Uncle Leatherface did. Uncle Leatherface did all kinds of weird, crazy things that was unexplainable. Uncle Freddy told me one time that he was not all there in the head.
"Seems like you made Leatherface's day.", Uncle Mike chuckled.
"I was wondering what got into him.", I laughed.
Uncle Michael shook his head with a chuckle. A moment of silence fell between us, but what I realized was that it was comfortable silence. Uncle Michael and I shared moments like this a lot. There was no point in talking, no point in conversating, just plain, comfortable silence. I let out a sigh of relief and slouched back in my chair. I rested my head back and looked up into the night sky. There was hundreds of beautiful, shiny stars in the sky. They looked like diamonds. When I thought of the word diamonds, I began to sing softly Rihanna's song, Diamonds.
Shine bright like a diamond.
Shine bright like a diamond.
Find light in a beautiful sea
I choose to be happy.
You and I, you and I
We're like diamonds in the sky.
"Ashley?", I heard Uncle Michael's voice.
I snapped out of my trance from the stars and looked across the table at Uncle Michael. I was embarrassed.
"Opps, um sorry." I felt my cheeks flush red from embarrassment, but luckily it was dark out and Uncle Michael couldn't see that.
"What was that, that you were singing?", he asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know."
"Don't lie.", Uncle Michael said. "You were singing and it was good."
I felt my face brightened. "It was?"
I saw Uncle Michael's white mask nodding. "Yeah. I didn't know you could sing."
I went to respond to that until I heard a hiss which made me jump. I spun around and there crawling on the side of the house was Uncle Jeepers Creepers. He looked at me and then let out a huff. I saw his breath show in the cool air. He jumped off the siding and took a seat at the end between Uncle Mike and I. Suddenly Uncle Jeepers began to do sigh language to Uncle Michael.
Uncle Jeepers Creepers said, 'She can sing. She has a beautiful voice. She was singing to me earlier when I took her to the cliffs.'
Once Uncle Jeepers Creepers was done, he put his hands down in his lap. Uncle Mike and Uncle J.C. looked at me. They looked like they we're waiting for answers.
"Why don't you sing a song Ash? It's almost bedtime for me anyway. I'm getting a little tired.", Uncle Mike suggested.
Uncle Jeepers Creepers huffed in agreement. I thought for a moment, deciding on whether I should sing or not. I watched as Uncle Mike and Uncle J.C. leaned back in heir chairs and got comfortable. They then starred at me, waiting for me to respond. I let out a sigh and started.
Shine bright like a diamond.
Shine bright like a diamond.
Find light in a beautiful sea.
I choose to be happy.
You and I, you and I
We're like diamonds in the sky.
You're a shooting star I see.
A vision of ecstasy.
When you hold me, I'm alive.
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky.
I continued singing the song until I finished. Once I was finished, I waited for Uncle Mike and Uncle J.C.'s response. All they did was just starred at me in silence and it slightly made me feel uncomfortable. They probably didn't like it. Maybe I sounded awful. Great, now I made a complete fool out of myself. Uncle Michael would probably burst out laughing any moment now.
"Wow.", Uncle Michael finally spoke. "If I would of known you had that kind of voice, I would have you singing me to sleep every night."
It took me a while to realize what Uncle Michael just said. I repeated the words he said in my head and then suddenly, I smiled.
"You liked it?"
"Liked it?", Uncle Michael mocked. "Ha! I loved it. I didn't know you could sing Ash. Like I said, if I would of known that, I would have you singing me a lullaby to sleep every night."
I giggled and Uncle J.C. huffed in agreement. Then, I watched as Uncle Mike stood up from his chair and stretched his arms out. He tucked his chair back under the table and came over towards my side.
"Come on.", he extended his hand. "We should get inside. It's getting a little chilly out."
I nodded my head and had Uncle Michael help me up. I was just about to walk in until I forgot about Uncle J.C. I turned around and saw Uncle J.C. sitting at the table with his head bowed down in a sad manner. I felt bad.
"Uncle J.C.?", I asked. "You coming?"
Uncle J.C. raised his head and then huffed. He flew up out of his chair and flew over towards the door. He flew inside after Uncle Mike. I was the last to walk in the house. I shut the door and locked it. I walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway where I saw Uncle Mike and May walking hand in hand up the stairs. Uncle J.C. on the other hand flew up and headed towards his room.
I followed behind Uncle Mike and May and we all reached the top, Uncle Mike looked over his shoulder at me and stopped.
Uncle Mike pulled away from May for a minute to extend his arms out to me.
"Come here my little diamond.", Uncle Mike said.
I smiled and ran into his arms. We shared a hug and I could see May smiling over at the both of us.
"Good night Ashley, my little diamond.", Uncle Mike whispered in my ear.
I smiled and hugged him tighter. "Good night Uncle."
We both pulled away and I looked over to May who was gave us both a smile. I walked over to May and I couldn't believe I was doing this, but, I hugged her goodnight. May seemed surprised by this also, but hugged me back.
"Goodnight my love.", May said to me. "Sweet dreams."
"Night", I replied as I pulled away from her.
Uncle Mike and May re-entwined their hands and walked to their bedroom. I smiled as I watched them. I was happy that Uncle Mike found somebody, just like my dad. Who would of knew that two killers would of found their soul mate.
I was just about to walk to my room, until for some reason, I felt all mushy and loving inside. I decided to tell everyone goodnight. First off, I went to Uncle Leatherface's room. The door was open and the light was on. I peeked in and saw Uncle Leatherface sitting at the edge of his bed, starring down at the floor. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.
"Uncle Leathy?", I knocked on the door.
Uncle Leatherface's head popped up and he looked over at me. His face brightened and he waved me over.
"Just wanted to come and say goodnight.", I smiled walking over and giving him a hug.
He hugged me back and then patted my head. With one last smile, I turned on my heel and walked out. Next was Uncle Freddy's room. His door was open just a crack, but I could see that his light was still on so I knew he was still awake. I knocked on the door and it pushed open.
I saw Uncle Freddy sitting on his bed shirtless. He was putting a green t-shirt over him now. After he was done, he turned to me.
"Hey kiddo."
I smiled and walked in. Without a word, I hugged Uncle Freddy and this caused him to stiffen. Uncle Freddy wasn't much of a "hugger".
"What the hell are you doing?", he asked.
"Hugging you and telling you goodnight.", I smiled still hugging him.
I saw Uncle Freddy roll his eyes. "Can't you just say goodnight and get out?"
I laughed at Uncle Freddy's rudeness. Uncle Freddy wasn't much of a loving guy. Maybe it was because of how he was raised and brought up from his foster parents who never really cared too much for him when he was a human kid.
"One of these days, your going to hug me, and your going to like it.", I smiled.
"Psh!", Uncle Freddy snarled. "You wish. Now good night Ashley and um, sweet dreams."
Uncle Freddy said the last part with a smirk and I knew what he meant by that. I quickly detached myself from him and headed for the door.
"Good night Uncle Freddy.", I called over my shoulders.
"Night kiddo."
I walked away from Uncle Freddy's room and walked across the hall to Aunt Esther's. I knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Aunt Esther came and answered it. When she saw me she smiled.
"Hey sweetie, are you ok?", she asked.
I nodded my head. Aunt Esther was her grown up self instead of her little eight year old figure. I walked up and hugged aunt Esther. She felt surprised by this, but hugged me back. She squeezed me a little and then kissed the top of my head.
"Good night Aunt Esther." I smiled, pulling away.
"Nigh sweetheart."
Just as soon as I was about to walk away, I stopped. "Aunt Esther?"
"Uncle Freddy told me sweet dreams when I told him goodnight, and you know what that means. If he interferes with any of my dreams, could you slap him for me?"
Aunt Esther laughed and nodded. "You got it. Goodnight Ashley."
I smiled and watched as Aunt Esther shut her door closed. Next, was Uncle Pinhead and Aunt Kirsty. Luckily, their door was wide open and I could see inside. I peeked in and saw Aunt Kirsty laying in bed, reading a book. Uncle Pinhead was no where to be seen.
"Aunt Kirsty?", I asked while knocking on the door.
She cast her eyes from her book and up at me. She smiled. "Come in Ashley."
I walked in and walked over to her bed. I took a seat at the edge.
"What are you reading?", I asked as I saw a glimpse of her book.
She took off her reading glasses and shut the book. She turned the book over to reveal it's cover. Evil At Heart by, Chelsea Cain.
"I love that book.", I smiled.
She seemed surprised. "You read it?"
I nodded. "When I was little, Uncle Pinhead was teaching me how to read and he let me read that book and some other ones. He had me started out reading the Judy Blume chapter books."
"He had you read chapter books to start out with?"
I nodded.
"He should of had you start reading picture books at first and then work your way up from there."
I shrugged. "I guess it really doesn't matter because to me, a book is a book and books are going to have words in it so."
Aunt Kirsty smiled and then let out a small laugh. "Yeah.", she nodded. "I guess your right on that one."
I smiled. "Well, I just wanted to say goodnight."
Then, without hesitation, I reached over and hugged Aunt Kirsty. I couldn't tell what her reaction was, but I know she was stunned as it took her a few seconds to respond back to the hug. She slowly wrapped her arm around me and then stroked my hair.
"Good night hun. Sweet dreams."
I smiled at this because this was actually the first time I been this close to Aunt Kirsty. We never touched before, not even a handshake. When she first moved in with us after her and Uncle Pinhead got married, she didn't know what to think. I didn't blame her. Forced to marrying some man you didn't love then moving in with his family of killers; yeah, I would be a little scared also.
I pulled myself away and gave her a smile. As soon as I slid off the bed, I bumped into something, something hard. It was Uncle Pinhead. Surprisingly, he wasn't dressed in his black leather kilt, he wore instead what looked like actual pajamas. They were black and gray striped and cotton. Just seeing him in this made me laugh.
"What's so funny child?", Uncle Pinhead didn't look too happy.
I quickly stopped laughing and regained my posture. "Nothing.", I lied. "Just wanted to tell you and Aunt Kirsty good night and that I love ya!"
I wrapped my arms around Uncle's Pinhead's waist and hugged him tight. I giggled as I looked at his stripped pajamas and couldn't help but think how funny he looked.
"And what is so funny about how I look in my pajamas?", Uncle Pinhead asked.
My eyes shot wide open. I completely forgot how he can read minds. I slowly detached myself away from him and gave him a goofy smile.
"Oh nothing Uncle, it's just that I never seen you in pajamas before."
When I said the word pajamas, that's when I lost it. I burst out laughing and was pointing my finger at Pinhead's pajamas. He gave me a unpleased look, but shook it off and crawled into bed.
"Alright Ashley, goodnight.", uncle Pinhead said annoyed.
I continued laughing as I walked out and just before I closed the door, I screamed out loud so everybody could hear, "Hey everybody! Uncle Pinhead is wearing stripped pajamas for the first time instead of wearing his black dress!"
"ASHLEY!", Uncle Pinhead yelled.
Suddenly, all doors were open and the first one to come running down to see Uncle Pinhead in his stripped pajamas was Uncle Freddy. Uncle Freddy got a good look and started to laugh. Then, Uncle Chucky, Glen and Vorx came running over to see. They all laughed and this made Uncle Pinhead angrier by the minute. By the time Uncle Pinhead stepped foot out of his bed, I was running. I ran into my bedroom, and just as soon as I was about to close the door, I heard Uncle Pinhead yell, "It's not a dress, it's a kilt!"
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Princess, sorry, I dont like writing people's names wrong:p
And 'princes' Chloe, you need go to MariaJohnson's page, just one bad comment from her, and a whole army of qfeasters just attacked, so I suggest you learn your lesson, because See More there are very few haters on qfeast, and soon, there will be non:-B
google translate for a putain de surprise.
Tête de merde