Miatizz22 asked a question

ARE YOU EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS???? Are you guys excited for Christmas? Tell me your favo...
on December 24, 2013

Miatizz22 added a new chapter to Jeff's best friend
The hospital
Clove woke up in a white room. she looked over and a nurse was coming over. "Oh, clove, you're awake!" She wheeled clove into an operation room. She hoisted clove onto a platform. Then another patient was wheeled into a room. Elise. The nurse lifted clove back on the bed. Elise was already awake. When she saw clove, they both tried to hit each other. "Oh, now you two. Listen, Elise, you already sprained clove's arm and wrist. I think you've done enough." said Elise's nurse. "and, Clove... you...
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on December 16, 2013

Miatizz22 added a new chapter to Jeff's best friend
The Trap
One day, Clove was walking to school. She is the best behaved kid in the whole class. Then 3 boys attacked her from behind. Clove is very good at setting traps, and always takes a trap in her bookbag to practice at lunch. But she felt around for a bear trap in her sweater, and saw that a boy had picked it up. "He he... my names Louis, this is Barry and Larry." Louis said. He picked up Clove by the collar. Clove looked at him with her big blue eyes and her slightly freckled face and he let go....
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on December 05, 2013

on November 24, 2013

Look what personality I've got! What about you? I LUV CECE JONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on November 24, 2013
its really good