Chapter 30: The Ugly Duckling PART I

I was walking hand in hand with my dad up the steps of the elementary school. I was so excited about going to school. Getting to meet kids my age and hoping to make new friends, I just couldn't wait. My dad, Uncle Pinhead, and Aunt Esther came to drop Glen and I off. My dad didn't like the thought of me going to school; especially of what happened to him when he was a kid like me, when he was human. My dad told me how he got teased and picked on by other kids around my age because of his deformed face. When my dad told me this, I wanted to cry and beat up the kids for what they done to them. My dad told me before he left, that he won't be too far from the school house. In case something bad happened to Glen and me, he would be there in a snap.
"When does school get out?", Glen asked as he walked close beside me.
Uncle Pinhead and Aunt Esther, and my dad were all transformed into human beings. Aunt Esther, who was grown up to be a motherly figure, was leading the way to the front office. Uncle Pinhead knocked on the door. I sighed and looked around the building. I saw paintings and drawings hung on walls outside of classroom doors. I also saw a row of yellow lockers lining up against the wall that went on down the end of the hall. I wondered if I would get a locker.
"Remember what I told you Ashley, if something bad happens to you or Glen, just scream and I'll be there.", my dad said, clutching my hand.
I looked up at him and nodded. "Ok dad."
"They'll be fine Jason.", Uncle Pinhead reassured.
Before anything else was said, the door swung open and a young lady in her mid twenties appeared. She had long black, silky hair with blue eyes and flawless skin. She was beyond beautiful.
"May I help you ladies and gentlemen?" she asked politely.
"My wife and I came here yesterday to apply our nephew and niece here to come to school.", Uncle Pinhead said, placing his hand on the middle area of Aunt Esther's back. Aunt Esther stood close to him to make it look like they were together.
The lady looked at them and her face brightened. "Oh! Of course! Glen Ray and Ashley Voorhees right?"
Aunt Esther and Uncle Pinhead both nodded. Suddenly, a bell was sounded and doors were swung open. I looked over as kids were running out of their classrooms and rushing to their lockers. I smiled at the sight of boys and girls around my age, who were rushing to their lockers and stuffing their books in. I tugged on my dad's shirt.
"Dad look!", I said, pointing at one girl in particular. "Do you think I might get my own locker?"
"Yes sweetie and don't point, it's not polite.", my dad said, pushing my finger down.
"Sorry.", I muttered.
With Aunt Esther and Uncle Pinhead talking to the lady who was handing them both papers, I was watching the boys and girls rushing back and forth between each other, entering their next classes.
"Ashley? Come on, let's go meet your teacher.", called Uncle Pinhead.
I looked over at Uncle Pinhead who was waving me over towards him. I pulled my dad along with me and followed Uncle Pinhead down the hallway. I looked back to see Glen walking with Aunt Esther and that lady in the opposite direction. I started to get a nervous, thinking now that Glen and I wouldn't be in the same class. I was hoping we would because it would of been nice to know at least one person.
"Who's her teacher?", I heard my dad ask.
"Mrs. Thompkins who is suppose to be in room two hundred and twelve, but I don't see her-ah! Here we are.", Uncle Pinhead exclaimed.
Uncle Pinhead came to a stop in front of a classroom door which was closed. I stopped right behind him and stood close beside my dad. For some reason, I wasn't excited as I was. I was nervous and maybe it was because Glen wasn't going to be with me as I thought he would.
"She's in there, but she don't got no class.", Uncle Pinhead said. Without another word, he lightly knocked on the door.
I gulped as I waited for the door to swing open. I hope my teacher wasn't mean; I hope she was nice.
"Nervous Ashley?", Uncle Pinhead asked.
I nodded my head quickly. "I wish Glen was here. I don't want to be in a classroom by myself."
I saw Uncle Pinhead sigh and then my dad spoke.
"Yeah, I thought the same thing. I thought Ashley and Glen were going to be put in the same classroom together?", my dad asked.
Uncle Pinhead rubbed his temples and let out another sigh. "Let's discuss this afterwards because she's coming."
Without another word, the door swung open and a lady appeared. She looked like she was in her mid-thirties. She had brown hair pinned up in a bun, she wore black, squared-shape glasses and wore a black solid skirt with a white long sleeve dress shirt. To match with the whole outfit, she wore a pair of black stilettos.
"Hello.", she smiled in a British accent. "May I help you?"
"Yes, you have a new student joining you today. Ashley Voorhees I presume.", Uncle Pinhead said, extending his arm out to me.
I looked up to my dad with a worried look and slowly let go of his hand. I stood beside Uncle Pinhead and in front of the teacher. The teacher who was known as Mrs. Tompkins, looked down at me with a friendly smile. She bent down a little so that she was eye level with me. Her hands were plastered on her knees and she let out a breath.
"Well Ashley, I'm so glad your joining my class. My name is Mrs. Tompkins, and I will be your teacher. Tell me, is this your first time attending school?"
I nodded my head with a smile. I was thinking to myself that she was nicer than I thought. "Yes ma'am."
Her face brightened and a smile rose on her face as she stood up. "Well, I am so pleased to have you in my class. I teach Math, Science, English and Social Studies. Do you have a favorite subject or no?"
I nodded my head with a smile. "My uncle teaches me to read.", I said, motioning to Uncle Pinhead. "And I love to read."
Uncle Pinhead smiled down at me and placed his hands on my shoulders. My dad was leaning against the wall, studying the teacher. He looked very uncomfortable and I understood why.
"Well, that's very good to hear because as you may know, I have some of my student read their favorite books out loud to the class. Do you have a favorite book?", Mrs. Tompkins asked.
I nodded. "Yes ma'am, I like Charlotte's Web."
Mrs. Tompkins looked amused and then asked. "Your already reading chapter books?"
Before I could respond, Uncle Pinhead spoke before me. "Yes, I have her reading novels now so she can start gaining more vocabulary and knowledge."
Mrs. Thompkins starred at Uncle Pinhead in disbelief. She then looked down at me and smiled. "Wow Ashley, your one step ahead of the class for reading."
Mrs. Thompkins turned from me and then turned to Uncle Pinhead. "How strong is her vocabulary and spelling?"
"She's on a seventh grade level of reading ma'am. She's very good at spelling and has a expand of vocabulary."
"Very well then.", Mrs. Thompkins smiled. "Ashley? Would you like to come in and explore the classroom?"
I nodded my head with a smile and turned to my dad for an answer. My dad nodded his head in approval and I followed Mrs. Thompkins into the classroom. I was astonished at huge the room was. There was a bookcase full of books. On the walls were picture drawings, paintings and coloring book pages. There was four rows of desks with blue colored chairs. In the front of the classroom was a chalkboard and a desk for the teacher.
"Do you like it Ashley?", Mrs. Thompkins asked.
I nodded my head. She walked to the back of the classroom and over towards a desk. She wrote something on the wood, and then wiggled her finger at me.
"This is where you will sit Ashley.", she smiled.
I walked over towards my desk and dropped my book bag to the floor. I took a seat in the desk and smiled. I looked down at the desk with a tag with my name written on it.
"This will be your desk for now. You will be sitting beside Samantha Owens who is a very good girl that I think you might like. If you have problems in class, ask her or you can ask me for help. Ok?"
I nodded my head. "Yes ma'am. Thank you."
I looked over at the doorway to see my dad and Uncle Pinhead starring at me. I smiled and waved at them.
"Are you going to be ok sweetie?", I heard my dad ask.
I nodded my head. "Yeah."
"Remember what I told you Ashley.", my dad warned.
I remembered back to the talk we had in the hallway and nodded my head. "Yes father."
"Alright Ashley, see you at home!", Uncle Pinhead smiled and waved.
I nodded and waved goodbye to Uncle Pinhead and my dad. My dad was the last to leave and he looked like he didn't want to leave without me. He looked like he was debating to leave out the door, but Uncle Pinhead pulled his arm. My dad waved his last goodbye to me and I did the same.
Now I was all alone.
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Princess, sorry, I dont like writing people's names wrong:p
And 'princes' Chloe, you need go to MariaJohnson's page, just one bad comment from her, and a whole army of qfeasters just attacked, so I suggest you learn your lesson, because See More there are very few haters on qfeast, and soon, there will be non:-B
google translate for a putain de surprise.
Tête de merde