AFter the funeral

Big Bill goes and sits next to Scootaloo, Scootaloo looks up at him. Big Bill speaks, "of all the ponies in all equestria, Rainbowflash could not have picked a better filly to help in his final moment." Scootaloo's eyes begin to water, "Oh Big Bill, he was a gentlecolt to the bone, why does every pony so kind have to die before there time!" And puts her head against Big Bills Chest and cries. Big Bill swallows the lump in his throat and replies, "I know it hurts. But maybe it was his destiny, maybe Rainbowflash was meant to get sick to find your mother.. He." Big Bill stops and tries to hold his tears back. Sweetie pie adds, "He loved his family and other ponies so much he would help, even when he needed help more." Big Bill nods. The ponies depart soon afterwards. Sweetie pie and Scootaloo return to the hospital, Big Bill and Dash return to the farm, and Daisy, Raincloud, and Flash return home.
When the Pegasy family return home they are surprised to see the kids are asleep. Pat half calls from the kitchen, "Welcome home, the kids were a breeze. I decided to make you all dinner, hope you don't mind that I had my friend over earlier, she wanted to learn how to foalsit a Alicorn." Daisy smiles, "not at all, thank you for foalsiting on such short notice." Pat respectfully dips her head, and soon departs.
Big Bill and Dash come home to a surprise, there's a package outside there door. Big Bill brings it inside and reads the note on it, 'howdy cuz, a little birdy told me about you guys adopting a filly, hope you enjoy my gift. From, Big Mac.' Big Bill opens it and sees some Cute booties, hats, and blanket inside, there's also another note, 'howdy grandnephew, I thought I'd sow some stuff for the new filly. Love Aunty Apple.' Dash smiles and kisses Big Bill.
Sweetie pie and Scootaloo arrive back at the hospital, Doctor Corn says, "I'm sorry Sweetie pie, but there is no room for Scootaloo to stay, she will have to find another place to sleep tonight." Sweetie pie nods and her and Scootaloo enter her room, "do you have a home." Scootaloo replies, "No, I've always stayed ether in the hall or in AJ's barn." Sweetie pie looks at scoots, but before she can speak there's a voice from reception, "what do you mean no visitors at this time, I'm pretty much family." Scootaloo heads out the door knowing exactly who it was, "Rainbow Dash! What are you doing here." Rainbow Dash smiles, "I'm coming to see you squirt." And ruffles Scootaloo's hair. Rainbow dash continues, "I've come to meet your mother, I would have come earlier... But Wonder-bolts training went longer then expected." Scootaloo smiles am says, "well if your with me they will let you visit." And both Pegasus Walk to Sweetie pie's room. After introductions and a little chat Scootaloo kisses her mother on the cheek and Scootaloo am Rainbow Dash leave.
Back at Rainbow dashes home rainbow Dash makes the two dinner, "I hope you like beans and Brussels sprouts." Scootaloo replies, "I'm not fussy, ill eat whatever is put on my plate." Rainbow dash walks into the lounge and hands Scootaloo her dinner then sits down and starts eating hers. After both Pegasus finish rainbow Dash does the dishes and Tucks Scootaloo into her bed, "night squirt." Scootaloo sighs, "night Dash."
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