
After a while Sweetie pie speaks, "you must be Raincloud." Raincloud looks to the mare, "yes. Did he talk about me?" The mare nods ,"you an your family were all he talked about, he didn't tell me much about himself." Raincloud smiled, "yeah, he was always interested in every pony else." The mare turns to Flash, "and this must be Flash." Flash gives a nod, Sweetie pie continues, "you look like your father, I hope you know when he talked about you he praised at what you were like." Flash replies, "thank you ma'am... What is your name?" The mare smiles, "my name is sweetie pie." In the awkward silence Flash looks at Sweetie pie 'she look like some pony I know.' Scootaloo walks in and greets Sweetie pie with a hug. Flash watches then asks, "Scootaloo, do you visit sick ponies?" Scootaloo shakes her head, "no, I'm just visiting my mother." Flashes eyes light up, "I thought she looked familiar, how did you know she was your mother?" It was Sweetie pie that answered, "your father. We talked and then he asked about my family. I said I had a filly. He asked what she looked like.. So I described her, next think I know he's on the phone." Flash smiles and exchange glances with his mother. Scootaloo started to weep. Flash asks, "scoots, what's wrong?" Scootaloo replied, "after he introduced me to her, I hugged him, and said I'm sorry you are.. Like this. He replied, it's ok scootaloo, if I had not got it you would not have Ben reunited wit... Your... Mother. He then passed away." Tears form in every ponies eyes.
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