Arts and Humanities
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Travel and Places
Do you like imagine dragons? I love them but what about you?

Do you like imagine dragons? I love them but what about you?

how do you say "excuse me"? (1)

what grade are you in this year 2022? im in 9th this year how about you?

what grade are you in this year 2022? im in 9th this year how about you?

Which Dream SMP do you like? You can put your answer in the Chat pls DO!!

Which Dream SMP do you like? You can put your answer in the Chat pls DO!!

whos your favorite stranger things cast member? I like millie (eleven) but Noah (will) is cool too

whos your favorite stranger things cast member? I like millie (eleven) but Noah (will) ...

How do some people get 500+ followers? I rarely get followers and people haven't taken my new quizzes much. How can I get that popular?

How do some people get 500+ followers? I rarely get followers and people haven't taken ...

What Are Your Fandoms? So...which book fandom(s) are you part of?

What Are Your Fandoms? So...which book fandom(s) are you part of?

Is it okay to burn books? I'm just wondering if its okay to burn books i mean in my opinion its not, but very religious people burn books because they think its blasphemy i don't burn books but i know a lot of people do. So do you think its okay.

Is it okay to burn books? I'm just wondering if its okay to burn books i mean in my opi...

Do you have a catchphrase? If so put it here!

Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?

Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?

Who else saw Frozen? My friend and I saw it yesterday. IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! And I'm addic...

What are your feelings about Valentines day? Do you guys like the holiday or not.

What are your feelings about Valentines day? Do you guys like the holiday or not.

help! help!! help!!! Help! Help!! Help!!! HELP! HELP!! HELP!!! OK, so my friend Grace is being bullied. I have drawn a picture with some of the things that has been said to her on it because qfeast wouldn't allow me to type it, it's the question picture. She has become very depressed and has started selfharming... What do I do? And, more importantly, what should she do?!

help! help!! help!!! Help! Help!! Help!!! HELP! HELP!! HELP!!! OK, so my friend Grace i...

what is the best yo m*ma joke you have ever heard?

Do you think i am pretty i was looking at the girl in my class on my class picture and they were really pretty, but i looked like a great, fat and ugly monster. What do you think, dont worry about hurting my feelings? i just want to know ur opion!

Do you think i am pretty i was looking at the girl in my class on my class picture and ...

i am boy i'm 15 years old i love bra.i am wear bra i am wear bra in home . but i Embar...

Urrgent!!!! Please help xx :') Well this for my friend and she wants to go out with this boy who went out with her for like a day because apperntley she bribed him on facebook. This would be extremley helpfull if you could answer :') !!!!

Urrgent!!!! Please help xx :') Well this for my friend and she wants to go out with thi...

Whos ur fave person in the olympics? It can be any sport, and country. Choose!

Whos ur fave person in the olympics? It can be any sport, and country. Choose!

Out of these people, who do you choose to be your best friend? Here's the list of people: 1. Slenderman 2. JeffTheKiller 3.Ben 4. Freddy Krueger 5. Jason Voorhees 6. The Boogeyman 7. Esther 8. Michael Myers 9. Chucky 10. EVERYBODY!!!!!

Out of these people, who do you choose to be your best friend? Here's the list of peopl...

Do you think you're an Author? Many people on this site have written stories, but do those people really consider themselves Authors? I would like to know becasue I believe I'm one, I'm in the middle of writing my 1st novel and hope to publish it within 3 years. So Please respond!

Do you think you're an Author? Many people on this site have written stories, but do th...