Do you think i am pretty i was looking at the girl in my class on my class picture and they were really pretty, but i looked like a great, fat and ugly monster. What do you think, dont worry about hurting my feelings? i just want to know ur opion!
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Um r u sayıng dat blonde gırl ıs u because she's lıke 20 lol and dont take class photos. Llol, ım confused wheres da pıcture of YOU.

funny how no1 replies here x
on August 19, 2013

thank u!!!! dat grl is lak 20 she don't tak class photos ffffs and u look way different in ur DP besides how did ur sister I mena out of all da pictures in da world how come UR picture is so popular soz but dis is a scam me girlonfire and other people have loads of photos OF US AND NOT DIFFRENT PEOPLE itz wrong to take som1s identity TA x
on August 03, 2013
on August 01, 2013
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-_- The prettiest Girl is not the one with the most makeup, but is the one with her shoulders held high and laughs at herself and never twiddles with her thumbs and ignores worries
on July 01, 2013
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Hunnie, you are hella pretty, don't think badly about yourself. I should know, considering I am most likely overweight and have a bad body and face. You look amazing, and don't worry about your looks.
on September 13, 2018
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Gorgeous girl! I mean it. But every girl is beautiful if they're beautiful on the inside. So it doesn't matter as long as you know you are doing the right things in this world. ?
on February 08, 2016
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I'm ugly, despite what people say! You're beautiful!

@pastrami this was 3 years ago I’m-
on April 04, 2018

look at you, fishing for compliments, but also complimenting a stock photo so it evens out : )
on April 04, 2018
on December 27, 2015
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Your are pretty you have a good personality don't care about what pep tell u be yourself: just my opinon:DO:-)B):-B
on April 08, 2014
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yoou is pretty the way you are don;t let some girl get to you or make you feel ucly just be yourself
on January 03, 2014
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What do you mean you looked like an ugly monster???? If that's you in the picture then you are BEAUTIFUL!
on September 02, 2013
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dat grl is lak 20 she don't tak class photos ffffs and u look way different in ur DP besides how did ur sister I mena out of all da pictures in da world how come UR picture is so popular soz but dis is a scam me girlonfire and other people have loads of photos OF US AND NOT DIFFRENT PEOPLE itz wrong to take som1s identity
on August 03, 2013
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yes lot's of people say that but my sister put it on the internet.. Her friend has a websit so she sent it to her and with out asking she put it on ... Rude yes i know.. But if you want to think it's not real then okay- you've got your own opion but it is me
on July 02, 2013
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yep purple mist that is me but i don't usually look like that... It was my sister's wedding and had perfecanial hair and make up... Plus you should see what i looked like when i woke up.
on July 02, 2013
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Yes, the photo it's cute, but too much make-up. Sooo..where's the photo of you? :-?
on July 02, 2013
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that is me, sorry i look different on my picture will put one on my photos to look at
btw this is me at a wedding, check my other photos
btw this is me at a wedding, check my other photos
on July 01, 2013