Out of these people, who do you choose to be your best friend? Here's the list of people: 1. Slenderman 2. JeffTheKiller 3.Ben 4. Freddy Krueger 5. Jason Voorhees 6. The Boogeyman 7. Esther 8. Michael Myers 9. Chucky 10. EVERYBODY!!!!!
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Mine personally, would be Slenderman, Jason and Michael =D There just the best I think
on March 15, 2013
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Jason and Freddy because freddy can let me mess with dreams and jason is flat out unstoppable and would deal with bullies lol
on March 15, 2013
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I would choose Ben, Jeff, and Chucky, simply cuz I think they're cool.
on March 15, 2013
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BEN. He’s the only one here who can’t actually kill me, seeing as he’s in the game. And since we’re friends, I don’t think he’ll try to drive me insane with paranoia.
on December 07, 2017
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Just like my other best friend from FNAF, The Marrioenote! (I'm sorry I spelled it wrong!)
Just like my other best friend from FNAF, The Marrioenote! (I'm sorry I spelled it wrong!)
on August 25, 2015
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Ben and Slenderman mostly. The reason isbecause Ben is my best friend and Slenderman is awsome.
on March 24, 2013