Do you think you're an Author? Many people on this site have written stories, but do those people really consider themselves Authors? I would like to know becasue I believe I'm one, I'm in the middle of writing my 1st novel and hope to publish it within 3 years. So Please respond!
Answers (21)
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Whether you are getting paid to be an author, you're still one. As long as you believe it. The most successful people in the world, didn't think, care or know how they were going to get there in their career just as long as they made it. You can be anything you want! Rock it!
on March 01, 2014
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yeah i would say i am an aouther

You pretty much come after Michael Morpurgo because I like diary based stories and the both of you do that!
on March 02, 2013
on February 27, 2013
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I think I'm going to be an author:) Actually, I'm writing my first book at the moment, and right now, my life leads me to being an author:D LOL:P I consider myself having an author's 'mind' LOL:P

Awesome!! I'm not very far in my book, but I hope to publish it this year:) Maybe I'll get to read your book one day:D
on February 27, 2013
on February 27, 2013
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I am starting to write a book but i keep getting writers block. I hope your novel turns out great! :D
on August 11, 2013
on August 05, 2013
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Yes. I'm writing a few books (not on QFeast), and everyone thinks they're really good!
on July 02, 2013
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Yeah iwould consider myself one i want to be one when i get older so yeah
i want to write my adventures as a demigod and i have an idea for a new series called
Middle school Hero!
i want to write my adventures as a demigod and i have an idea for a new series called
Middle school Hero!
on February 28, 2013
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Yes I know I'm an author I'm grauating this test and going to college in the fall this year to study creative writing journalism and screenwriting I have a writing portfolio that I kept since I was in a third grade I written so much stuff over my years and hopefully one day it would be published and I would be the next top selling author like stephenie Meyer and j.k rowling lol everyone on this website that I know of is all authors everyone on here that writes has a talent and See More i recommend they follow their dreams and study hard and be authors one day too =D I hope every single one of yall will be :D

I've read most of your stories silenthope and I think you totally have what it takes!
on February 27, 2013

Yeah, that would be awesome!!:) You're a really talented author:)
on February 27, 2013

Lol Ik ever since I was in a third grade it was my dream to be a writer too =D and of course I hope we meet also maybe write a book together or sumthin dat would be cool
on February 27, 2013

Awesome!! Me too I hope to be biglike j.k. rowling and people like that!!! Maybe one day we'll meet each other in the writing bussiness:) It's my dream to be an author, and I'm starting now!!:D I hope to read your books one day!!!:)
on February 27, 2013

on February 27, 2013
on February 27, 2013
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I might be an author, I too am writing a novel.

Sounds cool. I admire anyone who can actually go through with a story and keep working at it.
on February 27, 2013

umm OK, it is about a girl who runs away with her dog, it's very early in the bok so i don't really know what the entire plot is going to be.
on February 27, 2013
on February 27, 2013
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No but I've witen a lot of story masot of them are not done. And good makeing your first book I'm so happy for you even though I don't even know you!:D&[]
on August 27, 2015
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i don't conseder myself an auther since i never published a book, but im working on one.
on February 24, 2015
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I come to think that I might be an author, I just don't know I mean I wrote a story called the children of Olympus (plz read) an I think its pretty good
(hopefully :()
(hopefully :()
on February 23, 2015
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i don't consider myself an author even though i write stories and 100% love doing them
on July 02, 2014
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I've written some stories on here (A Fallen Angel, Celestrians, ETC.) But they aren't as good as many of the other writers on here. If anything I'm an amateur
on December 10, 2013
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I want to be a doctor, ballet dancer or author when I grow up.

I have no idea what word means ^ But I will look it up on dictionary. And Thank You :)
on November 27, 2013
on November 27, 2013
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not quite, i mean i write short stories all the time, but i dont publish yet... idk if i would say im an author, maybe a little
on February 27, 2013