Why do some people dislike Onision? I' really want to know this because I think Onision is amazing and makes great videos. Please answer with your opinion, it would mean so much to me. ? ❤
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He is a horrible person. He filmed his wife having a panic attack and then posted it online, he fat shames, he's racist, he makes fun of mental illnesses and says they 'aren't real', he says that all people who self harm do it for attention, etc.
on October 15, 2015
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1)He filmed his wife freaking out with her mental disorder, and she forgot who he was and was crying out "Please don't hurt me!"
2)He LITERATELY did the Christina Grimmie hashtag, while saying horrible things like "You preyed to your god that she would live, but she still died. BOOHOO."
3)He fat shames. that's all there is to that.
4)He's racist. Nothing to it.
5)He says that people who cut themselves just want attention.
6)He jokes about everything serious. See More Just NO.
For more information i recommend the LeafyIsHere rant on Onision. It gives all the needed information.
1)He filmed his wife freaking out with her mental disorder, and she forgot who he was and was crying out "Please don't hurt me!"
2)He LITERATELY did the Christina Grimmie hashtag, while saying horrible things like "You preyed to your god that she would live, but she still died. BOOHOO."
3)He fat shames. that's all there is to that.
4)He's racist. Nothing to it.
5)He says that people who cut themselves just want attention.
6)He jokes about everything serious. See More Just NO.
For more information i recommend the LeafyIsHere rant on Onision. It gives all the needed information.
on August 24, 2016
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Idk man like, sure he's an ass sometimes, but remember his LGBT video? He cried about suicidal people and said 'If you want to bully someone, just don't do it to people who already have so much against them, instead bully me for crying'
Like, sure he's an asshole sometimes but he is sometimes also a good person
Like, sure he's an asshole sometimes but he is sometimes also a good person
on August 25, 2016
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He is a horrible person. Yes, he says what he thinks, but that a huge problem! Maybe watch Leafy's rant on him. I don't like Leafyishere that much, but it might explain some stuff that I don't feel like typing.
on August 21, 2016
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I think he's okay, then again I avoid the videos on serious topics soooo idk ^.^U
on August 21, 2016
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I do like Onision, however some things he said, does offend certain people. I have been offended by some things Onision has said, however I think he is a OK person in general
on August 22, 2016