Qfeast fans: What features would you like to see added next? We can make Qfeast better than everything else!
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I think that you should be able to create a group private message! or thumbs up pictures! you should also be able to create a type of story called like: photo book where you just put pictures and captions

How about all?
on February 19, 2021

i want a photo book
on July 20, 2018

You can do group private messeges

Oml, I'm about to hit 2 years.
on April 20, 2017

@Shimo 2 years wow i'm old
on April 20, 2017

Notice this post is from 2+ years ago.
on April 18, 2017
on March 31, 2017

on March 05, 2016

yes!!! thumbs up pics plz!!!
on July 16, 2015

YES!!! There are like a million photos I want to thumbs up! And I have a "photo book", but it has a bunch of useless letters because it needed more letters.
on June 12, 2015

yes! Group private message is an awesome idea!!!
on September 28, 2014
on September 27, 2014
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Videos, Music, Gifs, a facepalm button, a book maker, a game maker, and anything else cool!

I mean, I'm already beginning to learn coding!
I mean, I'm already beginning to learn coding!
on March 31, 2017

Nice ideas.
on June 11, 2014

facepalm button XD great idea!
on May 29, 2014
on May 14, 2014
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1) Different fonts and underline/italics for stories. Only stories & quiz answers because people would over use it.
2) Group PM. This is so needed.
3) Dates on questions! You have the dates of when polls were posted, why not on questions?
4) Role-playing section for pages.
5) Being able to upload gifs!
6) Get rid of "S*tan" as a swear word: it is not! That is like saying God is a swear word!
2) Group PM. This is so needed.
3) Dates on questions! You have the dates of when polls were posted, why not on questions?
4) Role-playing section for pages.
5) Being able to upload gifs!
6) Get rid of "S*tan" as a swear word: it is not! That is like saying God is a swear word!
on December 24, 2014
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Make it into an app and also make it so you can create stuff on the mobile site
on July 23, 2014
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What you should do next is, when you get a notification, instead of it being a knocking noise, you can choose what type of sound it should be. So you should put a variety of sounds for us Qfeasters to choose from, so instead of hearing the knocking noise, we choose another sound.

Noted. Thank you for all your suggestions
on December 24, 2014

When i hear that noise.I sometimes freak out because I read a horror story recently about knocking DX
on December 24, 2014

There's a noise when you receive a notification? Whaaaaaa?!
on October 30, 2014
on October 30, 2014
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Comics. We choose our layout and we upload pictures on each box. We can also type captions or something
on November 23, 2014
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Another thing: If a person could read a story on Qfeast whilst not logged in, that would be great. People don't want to make an account to read a story on a website they'll probably never think of again.
on October 26, 2015
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I think we should have a seperate search only used for RP pages. RP pages are always set to profile, which means we have to go through other people's profiles to find them, and this is both time-consuming and uncomfortable on both ends. There are people on Qfeast who only log in to RP, so this is an inconvenient rule for them. If RP pages had their own search bar, we could find them much faster and more easily. I see the formatting sort of like this:
[QFEAST] [DISCOVER] [CREATE] See More [ME] [NEWS FEED] [NOTIFICATIONS] [MESSAGES] [SAVED LINKS] [normal search bar] [search bar for RP pages]
To search for RP pages, a person would just have to type the name of the Series/Movie/Game/Franchise/etc. in the RP bar, and all RP pages with relevant titles/descriptions would be displayed. For example, if I wanted to find an Attack on Titan RP page, I would just type AOT into the RP search bar and go from there.
The "main forums" of Qfeast would not be cluttered up by this, RP pages would be much easier to find, there would likely be less of an uproar about RP pages that people worked long and hard on being set to Profile because they're not allowed to be Public (which is a rule that most everyone dislikes), and Qfeast like would be more efficient.
Thank you,
Loyal Qfeaster Kanya888
[QFEAST] [DISCOVER] [CREATE] See More [ME] [NEWS FEED] [NOTIFICATIONS] [MESSAGES] [SAVED LINKS] [normal search bar] [search bar for RP pages]
To search for RP pages, a person would just have to type the name of the Series/Movie/Game/Franchise/etc. in the RP bar, and all RP pages with relevant titles/descriptions would be displayed. For example, if I wanted to find an Attack on Titan RP page, I would just type AOT into the RP search bar and go from there.
The "main forums" of Qfeast would not be cluttered up by this, RP pages would be much easier to find, there would likely be less of an uproar about RP pages that people worked long and hard on being set to Profile because they're not allowed to be Public (which is a rule that most everyone dislikes), and Qfeast like would be more efficient.
Thank you,
Loyal Qfeaster Kanya888

And to make sure only RP pages came up when searching, there could be a new category called RP or the addition of 'RP' to Public, Profile and Hidden settings.
on October 27, 2015

on October 26, 2015
on October 26, 2015
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could there be at the top how many people are on, so then we can see when someone joins?
on February 12, 2015
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We need a thumbs up emoticon! Also can you make the storage quota for pictures a week larger? Like 40 pics?
on July 12, 2014
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The ability to have a PM with multiple people


on October 22, 2014

I think I figured out a way to do this: member chat. It's more cumbersome then a group would be but still works.
on October 22, 2014

Yeah!! That way you can talk with multiple people without it being public on walls
on October 21, 2014
on October 14, 2014
on October 14, 2014
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We should be able to make gifs as our profile pictures, so we don't have to keep staring at a non-moving boring picture when we can look at something better, not that anybody's profile pictures are bad!
on June 03, 2014
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Hey, team~
I just wanted to point out that you may want to update the FAQ a bit. It still says you can't have chat rooms and stuff, which isn't true.
Just a little suggestion.
I just wanted to point out that you may want to update the FAQ a bit. It still says you can't have chat rooms and stuff, which isn't true.
Just a little suggestion.
on April 01, 2017
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we get to post vidoes

No, but if you've recorded something on your device that isn't on Youtube and want to post it... Having that feature would be nice.

What I'm saying is that if you what to post something crazy you can post on QFEAST and it can show up on your wall and when people see you wall they can just click on it and it will just pop up on their phone?? you airhead @livelifegirl
on October 30, 2014
on October 20, 2014

You can, just post the link on a wall, it comes up and you can watch it through QFeast.
on October 14, 2014

on September 28, 2014
on September 26, 2014
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Maybe if you had your own radio where the users themselves could sign up to DJ, with a request station for all of us to choose what songs are played, so it's entertaining, and interactive!
on July 28, 2014
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Just STOP meddling in my polls and questions. PLEASE. I'm pretty sure this didn't happen a few years ago, why the change?
Don't change the names of my polls OR questions.
Don't change them to profile. I PROMISE my things are harmless.
Just don't.
Sometimes you guys just ruin the effect by changing the titles, and nobody sees the profile stuffs if they aren't looking.
I thought we were free to create here.
Don't change the names of my polls OR questions.
Don't change them to profile. I PROMISE my things are harmless.
Just don't.
Sometimes you guys just ruin the effect by changing the titles, and nobody sees the profile stuffs if they aren't looking.
I thought we were free to create here.
on March 30, 2017
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I really wish that we could block certain people from seeing our quizzes, stories, questions, etc. Just so that you may not hurt their feelings or that they always leave mean comments on your stuff but you still want feedback from others.
on June 12, 2014
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Yeah! Comics!!! Totally!
And based on what us users like in our lives too!
And based on what us users like in our lives too!

on July 08, 2014
on April 30, 2014
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-Upload viedos (not just YouTube-like the pictures ^-^)
-Group private message
-Photo books
-Game maker
-Upload Gifs
-Facepalm button
-Upload viedos (not just YouTube-like the pictures ^-^)
-Group private message
-Photo books
-Game maker
-Upload Gifs
-Facepalm button
on April 01, 2016
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To stop changing everything to profile just cause its appropriate for kids under 13. I`m 13 but I can`t even say cuss words!

on October 12, 2015
on October 12, 2015