my all besties!!! wish u a happy new year!!!!!! 2015~!~!~!
~sent this to a qfeaster who is ur a bestie!
~started by @jafrin !
~sent this to a qfeaster who is ur a bestie!
~started by @jafrin !
on December 31, 2014

on December 26, 2014

Send This To Whoever Is A Good Friend.
~Started By @CamilleTheHedgehog14
~Started By @CamilleTheHedgehog14
on October 19, 2014

on September 28, 2014

Sorry for the late reply! I'm not supposed to be on the computer that often anymore. By the way, how's my profile?

It seems like you could tell a lot about someone by their profile, that's something I agree with.
on September 28, 2014

Your profile's cool. I like a profile that symbolizes the person but it doesn't matter that much
on September 27, 2014
on September 26, 2014

Thank you for following.
on September 26, 2014

That awkward moment when the dads of boys your age, boys in your class really like you and stare at you when they see you and always trying to get an opportunity to talk to you...you're not sure what is going on, if maybe their boy does like you or...maybe not...
on September 25, 2014

ShakiraK asked a question
Why is suicide not scary anymore? OK. So I have seen quite a number of people on here.....
on September 23, 2014

5 things cool about today:
1. Breakfast was scrumptious. Mum made muesli and yogurt parfaits and they were so YUM!
2. The weather was like the middle of summer I <3 summer
3. I got to sunbathe half the day
4. My blankets weren't on the floor when I woke up for the first time this century
5. My hair just worked for once YAY!
1. Breakfast was scrumptious. Mum made muesli and yogurt parfaits and they were so YUM!
2. The weather was like the middle of summer I <3 summer
3. I got to sunbathe half the day
4. My blankets weren't on the floor when I woke up for the first time this century
5. My hair just worked for once YAY!
on September 23, 2014

Let's be positive...because there is heaps to be happy about when you choose to think positive =)
5 things that were cool about today:
1. 3 of my friends -two of them not even my besties- gave me big hugs
2. I got heaps of work done in every class
3. This boy who I usually have arguments with and usually gives me crap was really nice to me in baseball
4. My ex-bf didn't come to baseball!!!- we usually both feel awkward around each other and he makes me feel See More self-conscious because he keeps staring at me so i <3 it when he's not there!
5. We had like a food party at school and it was so YUM!
5 things that were cool about today:
1. 3 of my friends -two of them not even my besties- gave me big hugs
2. I got heaps of work done in every class
3. This boy who I usually have arguments with and usually gives me crap was really nice to me in baseball
4. My ex-bf didn't come to baseball!!!- we usually both feel awkward around each other and he makes me feel See More self-conscious because he keeps staring at me so i <3 it when he's not there!
5. We had like a food party at school and it was so YUM!
on September 19, 2014

Thanks for the follow!

Thank you! It was an attempt at finding a picture that looks slightly like me:) I wish I looked that awesome though!
on September 20, 2014
on September 19, 2014

That awkward moment when so many people reply IKR to every awkward moment that all you can think of saying is IKR
on September 16, 2014