luckpup - Page 15

Hi I'm Luckpup. I'm into anime, video games, and stuff like that
. I really like to write, so please check out my work.
Taking over
Taking over
In a post-apocalyptic world were gangs compete for authority a teenage girl decides to join the fight to become the dictator of her country. She has to build a gang, and compete against other gangs in a world full of violence, and crime.
on July 20, 2015
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added a new chapter to The Visitors
The haunting past
The next day...
I didn't see Elizabeth, Caitlyn, or Dan all today.I wonder where they are? Dan enters the room.I blurt out without thinking "Where were you"? He replies "Why I didn't expect anyone to notice... I was at the supernatural creature council"."Why"? I ask. "They wanted me to possess someone, but I turned the job down.
They wanted me to possess you, but you're half ghist now. I can't tell them that". Maybe this was a mistake..." Why did he say that? I blurt out"No. It wasn't...
on July 20, 2015
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on July 20, 2015
About Author
Returning Student Starfish part 2
Spongebob: "Leave Mrs. Puff out of this."
Patrick: -- Starts flailing hands, and smacks Spongebob --
Crowd of students: "Fight! Fight, FIGHT"!
Spongebob: "Patrick!" -- Wins using self defense-- "Ever heard of the stupid star, and the tin cans?"
Patrick:" "I'm quitting school!" -- storms off --
Mrs. Puff: " Spongebob.. "
Spongebob: -- Looks nervous --
Mrs.Puff: "Thank you!"
Spongebob: "Does this nean I get my license?"
Mrs.Puff: -- looks smug -- "No..."
on July 16, 2015
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on July 15, 2015
About Author
on July 13, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to The Visitors
Encounters... new,and old
The next day at school... "Jenn why are you always smiling"? I asked. "Because I'm always happy"? I love Jenn, but I can't stand her. "Diane's so weird I'm always happy, and you're always depressed". I don't get Jenn, yet we're best friends. I don't get that either. Me, and Dan are friends, but we're pretty similar. I was lost in thought, and smacked into the classroom door.
Jenn asked "Diane what's wrong? You've been acting strange for a couple of days". I don't know why I'm acting str...
on July 12, 2015
About Author
on July 12, 2015
About Author
on July 12, 2015
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The Visitors
The Visitors
A teenage girl suddenly developes the ability to see, and talk to ghosts. She learns she has several ghosts living in her house. This is part of an ongoing series to continue for a while.
on July 10, 2015
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on July 10, 2015
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on July 10, 2015
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Hey i just joined. What do we do here
on July 09, 2015
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Le spy page

Le spy page

on July 09, 2015
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added a story to the favorite list


on July 09, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to The Visitors
Supernatural Depression
Dan was just sitting in my bed with a sad face. I want to help him so bad. I can't stand to see people in pain, whether it be physical or mental pain."Are you all right"? I finally asked. Dan replied "Oh yeah, I'm fine". He suddenly made an obviously fake smile. He seems so different all of a sudden. I've only known him for 2 days so I can't really say that.
"Do you mind if I watch TV in here"? Dan asked in a dull tone. "Yeah, I don't mind. He turned the TV on, and it was on Ghost Castl...
on July 09, 2015
About Author
on July 09, 2015
About Author
created a scored quiz
SB SP knowledge test

SB SP knowledge test

on July 08, 2015
About Author
The Visitors
The Visitors
A teenage girl suddenly developes the ability to see, and talk to ghosts. She learns she has several ghosts living in her house. This is part of an ongoing series to continue for a while.
on July 08, 2015
About Author
added a new chapter to The Visitors
A new friend
I got home from school, and went straight to my room. I like to stay in there. My mom doesn't really care, my dad never knew me, and i'm an only child, so I's socially acceptable I guess. After what happened this morning I don't want to, but I need to ask Dan a few questions, "Dan, I need to talk to you l"! I called out. I opened the closet door.
"Stop! My mother warned me about people like you"! Ugh I also needed tp clear up what happened earlier. What happened was he was sleeping on m...
on July 08, 2015
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