SB SP knowledge test It's not too easy, but not too hard. Test you knowledge of thus show. Difficulty: Medium luckpup published on July 08, 2015 Stacked 1/10 In Dumped Spongebob's new pet snail is named Larry Jerry Fluffsy Sweetie Snailor 2/10 In A Pal For Gary spongebob's new pet is named Jerry Puffy Fluffy Pupsy Cutie 3/10 How old is Mr. Krabs? Type answer. Hint: 2 characters 4/10 Why is Larry the Lobster red? Sun bathing Tanning pills Being cooked Paint He was born that way 5/10 What karate belt does spongebob have? Black belt White belt Blacker belt Clear belt Yellow belt 6/10 Who takes a bath in Gary takes a bath Gary Patrick Squidward Spongebob 7/10 True or false: Spongebob wears goofy goober underwear. True false 8/10 Gary is related to... Spongebob Squidward Patrick Sandy Snelly ( squidward's snail ) 9/10 Spongebob is... Straight Homosexual Asexual 10/10 How old is Mr. Krabs 30 47 73 52 63 34